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The wild, childlike faith of Bear Grylls

By Mark Ellis -- British adventurer Bear Grylls, who starred in the TV survivor series Man vs. Wild, has eaten snakes, scorpions, and the eyeballs...

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Army training says pro-lifers are terrorists

By Shayla Papik – For the past seven years, the United States Army has labeled pro-life groups “terrorists” in trainings given to 9,100 soldiers, according...

Finding Our Strength in Jesus Christ

By Carol Round - “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength”– Philippians 4:13 (NLT). Philippians 4:13 was the first scripture I...

Sword found of Ramses II, pharaoh to Moses

By Donny Ndoka – Archaeologists recently discovered a 3,200-year-old sword thought to belong to soldiers from the Egyptian army during the time of Moses. This exciting...

Former abortionists, survivors of abortion, face-to-face

By Steve Rees — Contemplate the unimaginable: You survive an abortion attempt and later in life intentionally meet two people who killed preborn babies in...

Moroccan spends two years homeless because of Jesus

By Daniel Corado – As result of accepting Jesus in the Muslim land of Morocco, Rachid got kicked out of his house and wandered homeless...

Captured Hamas warfare manual dictates use of human shields

By Melissa Nordell -- The Israeli Defense Force has published excerpts from a captured Hamas combat manual on "Urban Warfare" that proves the Islamist terrorist...

Ex-CIA spy warns Iran is supplying WMDs to terror groups for...

By Reza Khalili Israel will be obliterated by chemical, microbial and nuclear bombs, Iran is warning, but those weapons of mass destruction will be used first on...

Featured Comments

Blessings on my sister in Christ, Young-ae. May the LORD answer her prayers for her family and neighbors in North Korea. May the LORD continue to prepare her to fulfill her heart’s desire and bring her family and neighbors to Jesus Christ! Surely the God who provided the cloud, the shepherd and each new day of freedom will also provide the Way for her loved ones to come to Him as well. What an amazing testimony. Thank you for sharing. It reaffirms my own faith! God is amazing and hears our prayers! Lila, 12/23

Very inspiring testimony.   JESUS is the only living GOD, who took the form of a man and came down to the earth and displayed the real love of GOD.   HE healed the sick, fed the hungry and preached the gospel.   Only JESUS can give us peace and joy of life, costing nothing. A.S., 12/23

Thank you Jesus for preserving Loren all those years, and doing mighty things through him. The passing of another one of God’s greats. Laura, 10/23

Beautiful article.  Loren Cunningham was a powerful servant of our King.   He finished his race well.  Keep up the great work shining light on those who have devoted their lives to building His kingdom. Ryan, 10/23

A heart touching story.  Really appreciate the family who stood by him as he gained courage to undergo the treatment.  This really proves whatever you do, your family always loves you and want you to be the best.  God’s blessings was the best part of all without which he could never come out of his addiction. Kamuna, 10/23

Great testimony! That Christian who came out to his car to “cajole him into coming inside (the church,”) reminds me of Jesus telling us his servants, ” Compel them to come in..!”(Luke 14:23) He didn’t take no for an answer – thank God! And the man got saved!! Laura, 7/23

“God is on the move, Pearson says, and He’s inviting ordinary people to display His goodness and love to a lost and dying world. ” Yes, it is a “lost” and “dying” world. And, it is a world under siege. They are now, openly, promoting Satanism – as entertainment. In this very face – of what they are now doing (boldly), it is time to come forward and Stand (without a doubt). Gary, 3/23

God is always on the move; He’s always looking for someone to use. I know people who say there’s a great revival coming, yet they miss every opportunity God puts under their nose in the meantime! Why should people suffer and die and go to hell, while we wait for a “Great Revival?” “The fields are already white unto harvest.” People are ALWAYS in need.  Let’s go! Linda, 3/23