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God’s love melted the heart of a Russian spy

By Anthony Gutierrez -- Finally, the FBI caught up with Jack Barsky – and so did God. For 19 years, Barsky spied on America for the...

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Army training says pro-lifers are terrorists

By Shayla Papik – For the past seven years, the United States Army has labeled pro-life groups “terrorists” in trainings given to 9,100 soldiers, according...

Finding Our Strength in Jesus Christ

By Carol Round - “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength”– Philippians 4:13 (NLT). Philippians 4:13 was the first scripture I...

Sword found of Ramses II, pharaoh to Moses

By Donny Ndoka – Archaeologists recently discovered a 3,200-year-old sword thought to belong to soldiers from the Egyptian army during the time of Moses. This exciting...

Former abortionists, survivors of abortion, face-to-face

By Steve Rees — Contemplate the unimaginable: You survive an abortion attempt and later in life intentionally meet two people who killed preborn babies in...

Moroccan spends two years homeless because of Jesus

By Daniel Corado – As result of accepting Jesus in the Muslim land of Morocco, Rachid got kicked out of his house and wandered homeless...

Did guardian angels save man from vicious dogs?

By Ronald D. Mallett -- The dogs were purebred boxers…. a fine tan color. One had been military and police trained. They were heavyweights,...

‘Can you tell Mommy I’m safe now’?

By Aimee Herd -- On October 3rd, I wrote an article, posted on Breaking Christian News, about one family's account of faith in the midst...


God brought ‘ring of fire’ protection to Muslim convert

By Morgan Miles – To get Philip Ansari back into Islam, his mom tried to perform witchcraft. It didn’t work. The witch “comes running out of...

Woman upset she survived suicide, until God told her she escaped...

By Charles Gardner -- Esther Jordan is living in victory – even preaching at a church by that name! But it wasn’t always like that....

Featured Comments

Glory to Jesus! That’s what the world needs, fearless, carriers of the Gospel, anointed and sent forth by Him! The people of God in some places in the world, are wrapped up in TV, food, shopping, worldly pursuits, like Fun Parks, etc etc, we need to give up these things, and be solely committed to Jesus Christ and preaching the Gospel, be it through tracts or face to face. Nothing else matters. Laura/8/24

My only question is: “Do you really love the Jews?” Throughout my life I have seen very little love for the Jews from Christians in Christian countries. I see a lot of “love” or “interest” in the land of Israel, but no love for the people there. And to tell you the truth: the Jews have been dealt with so badly in Christian countries that they themselves “hate” Christians. And for many good reasons! That’s why missionaries in Israel have had a very difficult time to renew their residence permits, even though some of them work for the most pro-lsraeli Christian outfit, the Christian Embassy. As a Christian I am a follower of Jesus, and without Him I don’t think I would be alive today. Knowing about the history of the Jews, the history of Israel and the violence of Israel to people that they live close to I can agree with very little of the things that you write about. You are free to believe every word. I tried to put Jesus into your article and He simply refused to be in it. He died on the Cross for all and until we really love both Jews and Arabs Jesus will continue crying. Tom, 6/24

Wonderful to hear of another lost soul’s journey to find Christ.  I knew a Jewish surgeon with a medical practice, in my church, who also went into the occult and false religions before finding Christ.  He said the battle against false dogma was so intense at times that his hand literally squeezed the little New Testament in his pocket.  After he got saved, instead of prescribing medicine for his patients, he offered prayer instead, some chose prayer and were healed and some saved; so he baptized them in his surgery.  He returned to Israel eventually as they needed “traumatic surgeons.” L.C., 1/24

Blessings on my sister in Christ, Young-ae. May the LORD answer her prayers for her family and neighbors in North Korea. May the LORD continue to prepare her to fulfill her heart’s desire and bring her family and neighbors to Jesus Christ! Surely the God who provided the cloud, the shepherd and each new day of freedom will also provide the Way for her loved ones to come to Him as well. What an amazing testimony. Thank you for sharing. It reaffirms my own faith! God is amazing and hears our prayers! Lila, 12/23

Very inspiring testimony.   JESUS is the only living GOD, who took the form of a man and came down to the earth and displayed the real love of GOD.   HE healed the sick, fed the hungry and preached the gospel.   Only JESUS can give us peace and joy of life, costing nothing. A.S., 12/23