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Army training says pro-lifers are terrorists

By Shayla Papik – For the past seven years, the United States Army has labeled pro-life groups “terrorists” in trainings given to 9,100 soldiers, according...

Finding Our Strength in Jesus Christ

By Carol Round - “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength”– Philippians 4:13 (NLT). Philippians 4:13 was the first scripture I...

Sword found of Ramses II, pharaoh to Moses

By Donny Ndoka – Archaeologists recently discovered a 3,200-year-old sword thought to belong to soldiers from the Egyptian army during the time of Moses. This exciting...

Former abortionists, survivors of abortion, face-to-face

By Steve Rees — Contemplate the unimaginable: You survive an abortion attempt and later in life intentionally meet two people who killed preborn babies in...

Moroccan spends two years homeless because of Jesus

By Daniel Corado – As result of accepting Jesus in the Muslim land of Morocco, Rachid got kicked out of his house and wandered homeless...

Did guardian angels save man from vicious dogs?

By Ronald D. Mallett -- The dogs were purebred boxers…. a fine tan color. One had been military and police trained. They were heavyweights,...

‘Can you tell Mommy I’m safe now’?

By Aimee Herd -- On October 3rd, I wrote an article, posted on Breaking Christian News, about one family's account of faith in the midst...

British Muslim’s search for meaning included psychedelics

By Morgan Miles – Due to growing stresses, Shafraz Jeal smoked up to 20 cigarettes a day. But when the former British Muslim got baptized,...

Do early coins undermine Islam’s historical narrative?

By Michael Ashcraft – Coins don’t lie. The historical data from coins can’t be altered, obscured or rationalized. Coins from the emerging Arab Empire tell a frightening...

‘Average Joe’ movie: Supreme Court, praying football coach backstory

When Coach Joe Kennedy knelt to pray at the 50-yard line after a high school football game, he had no idea of the seismic legal transformation he was triggering. A new film explores his backstory and the U.S. Supreme Court decision his actions prompted. He's an unlikely protagonist for such a momentous development.

We Will Have Trouble in this World

By Carol Round - “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have...

Weight-lifting bar bouncer paid price for steroid use

By Jalen Jenkins – Even today, Ian McDowall passes blood in his urine due to the anabolic steroids he used to build muscles in the...

At October 7th anniversary, prayers of Iran’s church felt

By Charles Gardner -- Amid the darkness and gloom of escalating warfare as the anniversary of the October 7th massacre approaches, God is still shining...

Britain’s betrayal of the Jews in World War II

By Charles Gardner -- The British Government bears responsibility for trapping millions of Jews in Nazi Europe during World War II, a senior academic has...

Christian dismembered, murdered in front of wife

By Caleb Campos – A Christian man was dismembered and murdered in front of his wife by Hindu extremists in India, one of the most...

New Space Force hymn exalts God, gets attacked by atheists

By Alex Brick – Just as the other branches of the military have their hymns, the newly created Space Force has a hymn — and...

Christian man falsely accused, shot by neighbors

By Sandra Marroquín – A Christian Pakistani man accused of burning one of Islam’s holy books was shot by his neighbors. He died later in...

In the days of Elijah, prepare the way of the Lord

By Charles Gardner -- These are the days of Elijah¹. It’s the title of a wonderful worship song composed by Northern Ireland’s Robin Mark....

Moroccan man found the truth after watching forbidden video

By Donny Ndoka – Omar glanced over his shoulder anxiously. The Moroccan man did not want to get caught watching this video on the internet:...

Israel: Sunken ship yields surprise to scholars

By Thomas Holland – A 3,400-year-old shipwreck was found recently 56 miles off the coast of Israel by an energy company performing a routine survey,...

Author, lawyer, theologian, librarian, and legendary evidential apologist, Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, receives his reward

By Brian Nixon -- With tea in hand, I open my email shortly after 8:00 AM, only to read heartbreaking news. The email was from Dallas...

Shot in the head while street preaching, doctors didn’t expect him to live

By Daniel Corado – A Phoenix-area street preacher who was shot through the head and miraculously survived has forgiven his unknown assailant. “I think it's important...

Missionary explorers search jungle for remote people groups

By Abby Aguilar -- As two missionaries roamed the Amazon jungle searching for unreached people groups, they were invited to share farina (similar to cream...

Navy SEAL didn’t have enough faith to be an atheist

By Morgan Miles – Born to a poverty-stricken single mom when she was 16, Jason Perry was raised by his grandparents and other family members. “My...

Beautiful Noise: Raven Chacon and Laura Ortman

A cough. A voice behind me: “It’s kind of quiet.” Violinist Laura Ortman walks by wearing a maroon skirt, black blouse, and black high heel shoes. A...

Jungle baptisms conducted in the middle of civil war

By Shayla Papik -- A former U.S. Ranger engaged in medical assistance and humanitarian relief amidst the civil war in Myanmar recently baptized six people...

Let Your Light Shine for Others to See

By Carol Round -“You are the world’s light—a city on a hill, glowing in the night for all to see. Don’t hide your light!...

Musical talent lost lavish lifestyle, found something of more value

By Michael Ashcraft – One day, Ernie Toppin, a UK top 10 chart musician, was in VIP lounges with Boy George, the next, because he...

Euthanasia method used in Canada anything but painless

By Yvette Harding – In Canada where euthanasia is legal, the drug used for Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) induces death by flooding the lungs...

‘Slippery slope’ to fulfillment of Ezekiel 38-39 prophecy?

By Mark Ellis – Last month, Judge Andrew Napolitano interviewed a liberal American political scientist and international relations scholar at the University of Chicago, John...

Son of Hezbollah chosen to follow a different path

By Michael Ashcraft – As Hezbollah’s son, Bilal was destined to follow a warlike path. Born in Nigeria to a father from Lebanon, there was a...

“Little Is Much When God Is in It” – The rest of the story!

By John Pearson -- The first time I heard the song, “Little Is Much When God Is in It,” I was stunned by the powerful...

Stop at In-N-Out brings flood of memories, thanksgiving

By Dawn Forman – A feeling of disappointment, discouragement and even shame came over some fans as I watched my grandson lose with his football...

Ministry with heart for foster kids rose above tragedies

By Steve Rees -- At Love Thy Neighbor church, children are welcome to join adults on the platform – even sit on the tattooed, one-legged...

She survived abortion that killed her twin, later did the unthinkable

By Mark Ellis – After her dad, an experimental test pilot, was tragically killed in 1949, Priscilla Hurley’s mother found herself with four young children...

Indian church planter started small, then God enlarged his vision

By Michael Ashcraft -- Born to a Hindu father and Christian mother near Chennai, India, Mohan Gopal worried in the 10th grade about whether he...

The One Year Book of Hymns: 365 Devotions Based on Popular Hymns

By John Pearson -- This review spotlights a unique hymn-a-day devotional, The One Year® Book of Hymns—and my short-lived attempt to write another book. (LOL.) Imagine singing...

City pays tribute to Jewish airmen who fought the Nazis

By Charles Gardner -- At a time when Jews are once more wondering whether they are no longer welcome in Britain, the Christians of Lincoln...

Oppenheimer’s Tea: Learning to LOVE

By Brian Nixon -- What does a bomb-making scientist have to do with a Quaker-owned teahouse? The answer: Edith Warner. With all the fanfare the movie Oppenheimer...

God brought ‘ring of fire’ protection to Muslim convert

By Morgan Miles – To get Philip Ansari back into Islam, his mom tried to perform witchcraft. It didn’t work. The witch “comes running out of...

Woman upset she survived suicide, until God told her she escaped hell

By Charles Gardner -- Esther Jordan is living in victory – even preaching at a church by that name! But it wasn’t always like that....

The ‘One New Man’: God’s end time purpose for unity

By Dr. Clifford Denton -- Throughout history God’s covenant purposes move forward as one generation succeeds another. His purposes are to be discerned behind the...

Help is Only a Whisper Away

By Carol Round - “My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth”—Psalm 121:2 (ESV). In a devotional by Pat Butler Dyson, she...
Abdu Murray/Facebook

Holy Spirit forced Muslim to the ground after he left church

By Steve Rees -- It took nine years for Muslim Adu Murray to realize that God’s greatest ethic, love, was demonstrated by the sacrifice of...

Tragic circumstances drew Pakistani bootlegger to God

By Michael Ashcraft – Christians in Pakistan get limited job opportunities – like sweeping streets or making bricks. It’s hard and unappreciated work under the blistering...

Comedian Tim Allen surprised reading Bible cover-to-cover

By Tré Goins-Phillips -- Comedian and veteran television star Tim Allen is opening up about his “amazing” experience reading the Bible cover to cover —...

When God Prunes His Children

By Carol Round - “He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit, He prunes...

Pastor trades his cane for a cross to trek across America

By Steve Rees -- When Nick Schindler heard the Lord Jesus say He wanted him to carry a cross, the unconventional pastor went to a...

Ohio State football players spark revival on campus

By Benjamin Gill -- A huge revival broke out at The Ohio State University over the weekend with hundreds of college students showing deep hunger...

‘Reagan’ movie: 40th U.S. president’s roots, relationships, revolution

Hailed by many as a history-altering savior responsible for Communism's decline. Scorned by others as a clueless, intellectually unsophisticated actor out of touch with both common folks and the real world. Ronald Reagan made a lasting global impact. A new film explores the roots of his confidence, the relationships that nurtured it, and the revolution he inspired.

Former abortionists, survivors of abortion, face-to-face

By Steve Rees — Contemplate the unimaginable: You survive an abortion attempt and later in life intentionally meet two people who killed preborn babies in...

Did guardian angels save man from vicious dogs?

By Ronald D. Mallett -- The dogs were purebred boxers…. a fine tan color. One had been military and police trained. They were heavyweights,...

Sword found of Ramses II, pharaoh to Moses

By Donny Ndoka – Archaeologists recently discovered a 3,200-year-old sword thought to belong to soldiers from the Egyptian army during the time of Moses. This exciting...

Finding Our Strength in Jesus Christ

By Carol Round - “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength”– Philippians 4:13 (NLT). Philippians 4:13 was the first scripture I...

Moroccan spends two years homeless because of Jesus

By Daniel Corado – As result of accepting Jesus in the Muslim land of Morocco, Rachid got kicked out of his house and wandered homeless...

Army training says pro-lifers are terrorists

By Shayla Papik – For the past seven years, the United States Army has labeled pro-life groups “terrorists” in trainings given to 9,100 soldiers, according...



    Idaho boy sent shoebox to ‘Christmas Child’ in Philippines, 14 years...

    By Mark Ellis -- Many believers have stuffed a shoebox full of goodies for Operation Christmas Child, a project to bless children around the world...

    9/11 Remembrance: only known survivor from impact zone credits God

    By Mark Ellis -- The 9/11 Commission credits Stanley Praimnath as the only known survivor from the impact zone at the World Trade Center towers...

    Missionary died thinking he was a failure; 84 years later thriving...

    By Mark Ellis -- In 1912, medical missionary Dr. William Leslie went to live and minister to tribal people in a remote corner of the...

    Revival hits army base with 1459 receiving Christ

    By Josie Rabbitt Bingham -- Army Chaplain Jose Rondon believes "there is nothing more exhilarating in life than seeing people come to Christ." In the...

    University settles lawsuit with scientist fired after he found soft tissue...

    By Chad Dou -- CSUN scientist Mark Armitage found soft tissue in a dinosaur bone, a discovery that throws significant doubt on evolution. Then, two...

    God led Christian doctor in Texas to winning Covid treatment

    By Mark Ellis -- He’s practiced medicine in Texas for 28 years, served on former Governor Perry’s healthcare task force, and is a medical expert...