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East Detroit pastor hypes Trump’s ‘millimeter miracle’

By Michael Ashcraft — While he was in high school, Lorenzo Sewell’s dad got incarcerated and his brother got murdered in East Detroit. “I was mentored...

Making Wise Choices: The Key to Life

By Carol Round - “For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will fill you with joy.Wise choices will watch over you. Understanding will...

Pastors from Israel see need to disavow antisemitism in the church, support Israel

By Steve Rees -- Invited to churches in a handful of countries, pastors of one of the largest Christian communities in Jerusalem say many of...

Terror leader’s conviction raises question what is true Islam

By Michael Ashcraft — Anjem Choudary — who called the 9/11 terrorist “magnificent martyrs” — was convicted yesterday for the second time of leading a...

Rising level of atheism in UK’s government, with one surprising twist

By Charles Gardner -- Following the Labour landslide in the British General Election, the nation long responsible for spreading the gospel across the world is...

Nigerian missionary in China: We have the fire of God

By Michael Ashcraft – IG has been a Nigerian missionary in China for two decades. It’s a good thing he’s not real crazy about food...

Christians supporting Messianic and Arab believers in Israel

By Charles Gardner -- What particularly spurred me on to volunteer for Jewish mission following my retirement in 2013 was a video of a...

Kamala Harris, a staunch ally for abortion

By Michael Ashcraft -- When investigative journalist David Daleiden exposed illegal practices at the nation's biggest abortion provider Planned Parenthood, the California Attorney General cracked...

After Attack On Their Daughter, This Family Finds Faith Over Fear Surrounding Trans Indoctrination

By Steve Rees -- Since removing their daughter from a public school that was secretly steeped in transgender indoctrination, Jon and Erin Lee are exposing...

Trump’s pick for VP raised by hillbilly grandma, returned to faith when he married

By Michael Ashcraft – J.D. Vance, Trump’s pick for VP running mate, was raised by a hillbilly, expletive-spewing Grandmother – he calls her Mamaw –...

Ex Pres points to God for saving his life

By Michael Ashcraft -- Donald Trump credited God for saving his life when an assassin's bullet grazed his ear on July 13 at a campaign...

Kuwaitis wanted him to go on TV as poster boy convert to Islam

By Michael Ashcraft – Fady was born in Egypt but grew up and lived in Kuwait. He was born a Coptic Christian but got mad...

Man shielded his family, died at Trump rally assassination attempt

By Michael Ashcraft – In the assassination attempt on President Trump Saturday, a Christian father and former fire chief sprung to his feet and shielded...

Tyson Fury sent shockwaves through Saudi Arabia

By Michael Ashcraft – When Tyson Fury stood up in the 12th round after a powerful left hook sent him to the canvas, he sent...

He turned his back on money. God had his back.

By Michael Ashcraft – The year was 1979, and he earned $400 an hour. But Eric Strutz left lucre to serve Jesus fulltime in visitation...

Have You Ever Wrestled with God?

By Carol Round -“Yes, he wrestled with the Angel and prevailed. He wept and pleaded for a blessing from him”— Hosea 12:4 (TLB). If you’ve...

How a blind man coached basketball

By Michael Ashcraft -- After he went blind, Ted Hinson got a job in natural gas exploration, played golf, ran marathons, went skiing and hunted...

The Righteous: Opera Holding Up A Mirror

By Brian Nixon -- A Pulitzer-winning poet, a fine cast, beautiful scenery (Santa Fe), and a marvelous musical score.  What could go wrong with the...

Chris the Iceman put his sins on Ice

By Michael Ashcraft – Before he became The Iceman cool debater on Speaker’s Corner, Chris was just a lost 13-year-old who got drunk in a...

Foul-mouthed PhD Muslim macho

By Michael Ashcraft – As an abrasive commentator, fiery debater and YouTuber with 1.24M subscribers, British-Egyptian Mohammed Hijab a is being hailed as the new...

Will they ever consider that the ‘fix’ to ‘gender dysphoria’ doesn’t work?

By Allie Scribner – Suicide rates doubled after gender reassignment surgery, a new study shows “The overall rates of suicide attempts doubled after vaginoplasty,” states a...

Koranic teacher cracked her skull, drawing blood, for not learning lesson

By Michael Ashcraft – A vicious Koran teacher cracked her wooden tablet over Shania Gabo’s head as a punishment for not learning her daily allotment...

Islam appears to be winning battle for souls, but trends point to demise

By Michael Ashcraft – About 100,000 are added to Islam every year in America, according to Pew Research from 2017, and there are reports of...

Sex worker in Soho left job after Jesus came into the room

By Charles Gardner -- After Jesus came into the room of an unnamed Jewish woman working in London’s notorious Red-Light district, she walked away from...

God Logic, in the hunt for ‘dawah-gandists’ in England and elsewhere

By Michael Ashcraft – Whether it’s basketball or apologetics, Avery Austin Jr. – better known as God Logic – plays point guard. He likes to...

Sharia ‘enforcement’ in UK? One Christian convert says so.

By Michael Ashcraft -- A Muslim convert to Christianity in the United Kingdom has come "under siege" for apostasy, he says on an Apologetics Roadshow...

Islam made Indonesian girl feel unworthy

By Michael Ashcraft – Olivia’s parents in Indonesia were always busy, so she was raised by nannies. When her family moved to California, she was...

A year after Sound of Freedom comes Sound of Hope

By Michael Ashcraft – She pleaded with God to take away the grief over her mother’s death when she saw kids running by and playing. “Sometimes...

Finding Your Strength Through Christ

By Carol Round -“ I can do all this through Him who gives me strength”— Philippians 4:13 (NIV). Writing in my journal this morning, I...

C.S. Lewis, the most reluctant convert in England

By Mark Ellis -- He was born in Belfast, the son of a solicitor and a clergyman’s daughter. Lewis describes his parents as bookish or...

Guinness brewing family’s Christian roots blessed Israel

By Charles Gardner -- There’s more to the Guinness brewing giant than the dark stout for which they are famous. For a key branch of this...

Powerful visions amazed actor on The Chosen, drew him to Christ

By Allie Scribner – Nick Shakoour – who plays Zebedee of The Chosen – thought he wouldn’t get the role, he didn’t want the job,...

‘Home Depot Girl’ overcame pressure for online exploitation

By Antonio Pellot – Ariana Josephine Cossie was told she was too pretty to work at Home Depot. Some even suggested she could make millions...

Muslims secretly flouting polygamy laws in US

By Michael Ashcraft – For years the religious group that side-stepped anti-polygamy laws were the Mormons, but a new wave of polygamy, the practice of...

Married couples happier, study finds

By Sean Toomey – Married people enjoy double-digit happiness, a new study reveals. They have been derided by cultural elites as outmoded, unrealistic, repressively rigid, but...

Is there any purpose behind the universe?

By Mark Ellis -- Is there a purpose behind mankind’s existence, or are human beings a product of random chance and millions of years of...

Fox contributor had personal encounter with Jesus that left him changed

By Sean Toomey – As a man who always held a strong belief in God, Dan Bongino never could have predicted the experience that would...

Courageous Oxford prof leads charge against New Atheists

By Owen Toomey -- John Lennox once received a stern ultimatum from Nobel Prize-winning physicist Stephen Weinberg: “If you want a career in science, you...

Why a ‘simple’ math formula points to the existence of God

By ChatGPT -- The Mandelbrot set, discovered by Benoît B. Mandelbrot in 1980, is one of the most iconic and visually captivating structures in mathematics. It...

Muslim girl defied Allah and her parents, eventually found real love

By Liyat Bilay – Reema* grew up in a strict Muslim family. Like all Muslims, she regarded Jesus as a mere man, a prophet, but...

Revival breaks out in Russia’s back yard

By George Thomas -- A remarkable Christian revival is underway in a Russian-controlled part of Moldova, despite Moscow's heavy hand. Very few foreign journalists are...

Atheist undone by ‘transcendent love’ for her baby

By Liyat Belay – As a mischievous atheist in the 4th grade, Jennifer Fulwiler moved all the Bibles in her school library into the fiction...

Grim historical reminder: Spanish official’s controversial Gaza War statement

By Charles Gardner -- I was greatly shocked to hear of Yolanda Diaz, a Spanish Deputy Prime Minister, ending a speech on the Gaza War...

Fence is creaking from worldwide anti-Semitism

Review by Charles Gardner -- When a Palestinian flag is discovered flying on top of a remote hill in England’s beautiful Lake District, something...

Pastor notes rise of spiritual warfare in India

By Steve Rees -- An American pastor who has travelled to India three times – most recently to teach on spiritual deliverance and help plant a...

The ‘Lioness of London’s’ battle against militant Islam

By Michael Ashcraft -- She’s been dragged to the ground, punched in the face, knocked unconscious, stabbed, and almost hung. She’s had ribs and a...

Crying out to the unknown God: How ‘Jesus’ surprised famous Indian actress

By Abby Aguilar – When Jayasudha Kapoor fell into the water from the jet ski on her honeymoon, she cried out for divine intervention. Of...

What Can Storms and Trials Teach Us?

By Carol Round - “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have...

After cop’s encounter with Jesus, the sky looked bluer

By Charles Gardner -- When Stuart Kemp joined the Greater Manchester Police, he had no idea it would take him back to school and lead...

Scholar’s revelation delivers blow to Islamic inerrancy

By Michael Ashcraft -- Happy “Holes in the Narrative” Day! Unfamiliar with this new Christian observance? It marks the day when two notable Muslims—a scholar and...

East Detroit pastor hypes Trump’s ‘millimeter miracle’

By Michael Ashcraft — While he was in high school, Lorenzo Sewell’s dad got incarcerated and his brother got murdered in East Detroit. “I was mentored...

Terror leader’s conviction raises question what is true Islam

By Michael Ashcraft — Anjem Choudary — who called the 9/11 terrorist “magnificent martyrs” — was convicted yesterday for the second time of leading a...

Christians supporting Messianic and Arab believers in Israel

By Charles Gardner -- What particularly spurred me on to volunteer for Jewish mission following my retirement in 2013 was a video of a...

Trump’s pick for VP raised by hillbilly grandma, returned to faith when he married

By Michael Ashcraft – J.D. Vance, Trump’s pick for VP running mate, was raised by a hillbilly, expletive-spewing Grandmother – he calls her Mamaw –...

After Attack On Their Daughter, This Family Finds Faith Over Fear Surrounding Trans Indoctrination

By Steve Rees -- Since removing their daughter from a public school that was secretly steeped in transgender indoctrination, Jon and Erin Lee are exposing...

Pastors from Israel see need to disavow antisemitism in the church, support Israel

By Steve Rees -- Invited to churches in a handful of countries, pastors of one of the largest Christian communities in Jerusalem say many of...

Rising level of atheism in UK’s government, with one surprising twist

By Charles Gardner -- Following the Labour landslide in the British General Election, the nation long responsible for spreading the gospel across the world is...

Kamala Harris, a staunch ally for abortion

By Michael Ashcraft -- When investigative journalist David Daleiden exposed illegal practices at the nation's biggest abortion provider Planned Parenthood, the California Attorney General cracked...



    Idaho boy sent shoebox to ‘Christmas Child’ in Philippines, 14 years...

    By Mark Ellis -- Many believers have stuffed a shoebox full of goodies for Operation Christmas Child, a project to bless children around the world...

    9/11 Remembrance: only known survivor from impact zone credits God

    By Mark Ellis -- The 9/11 Commission credits Stanley Praimnath as the only known survivor from the impact zone at the World Trade Center towers...

    Missionary died thinking he was a failure; 84 years later thriving...

    By Mark Ellis -- In 1912, medical missionary Dr. William Leslie went to live and minister to tribal people in a remote corner of the...

    Revival hits army base with 1459 receiving Christ

    By Josie Rabbitt Bingham -- Army Chaplain Jose Rondon believes "there is nothing more exhilarating in life than seeing people come to Christ." In the...

    University settles lawsuit with scientist fired after he found soft tissue...

    By Chad Dou -- CSUN scientist Mark Armitage found soft tissue in a dinosaur bone, a discovery that throws significant doubt on evolution. Then, two...

    God led Christian doctor in Texas to winning Covid treatment

    By Mark Ellis -- He’s practiced medicine in Texas for 28 years, served on former Governor Perry’s healthcare task force, and is a medical expert...