God brought ‘ring of fire’ protection to Muslim convert


By Morgan Miles –

To get Philip Ansari back into Islam, his mom tried to perform witchcraft. It didn’t work.

The witch “comes running out of her room and she gives the money back to my mom,” Philip says on an Aroma TV video. “She told my mom please get out of here. Your son is surrounded by fire. I cannot go near him. All my powers have been burnt up in that fire.”

To leave Islam is no small thing. Philip was beaten, starved, locked up, turned out naked for three-and-a-half years, but he remained steadfast. His mom got saved when she heard him preach a few years later.


Philip was born into a Muslim family in Chennai, India, where Muslims represent about 15% of the total population. Hinduism accounts for 80% of the population.

They were wealthy, but Mom and Dad fought frequently. From childhood, Philip wanted to be a doctor.

Christianity came on the radar in the 10th grade when his biology teacher converted from Hinduism. She stopped wearing the bindi and started wearing a white sari. Philip thought her husband must have died.

Philip approached her about her change of attire, and she told him, “I saw Jesus in my dream” and decided to follow him. She prayed for Philip to know Jesus.

One day, his dad hit his mom and she was bleeding. Philip tried to stop his dad and physically intervened. His dad got angry and started hitting him. Boiling over, in his rage, he said to his wife: “Talaq! Talaq! Talaq!”

Muslim women from Chennai

In Islam, you don’t need to divorce in court. The man has the right to merely pronounce this word three times, and it’s official.

That night, Mom, Philip and his siblings were kicked out of the house, as a consequence of the divorce.

In one fell swoop, he lost his dad, his home, his luxurious life and his dream to be a doctor. It was Christmas Eve.

“It was a very dire situation,” he says. “I wanted to be a doctor, but I needed my dad’s help to do that. That was not going to happen.”

A Hindu Temple in Chennai.

He was at the park thinking about his bleak future. He contemplated suicide.

Suddenly, he heard a voice: “Ansari, try me, I’m Jesus.”

As a Muslim, he didn’t know what the voice was.

He remembered his biology teacher and decided to visit her at 9:30 that night. She was surprised by the visit, as he proceeded to explain all that happened and the voice.

“Jesus loves you, Ansari,” she told him. “Jesus wants to save your life. Jesus wants you to follow him. He died for you. He has a plan for you.”

Philip went to church for the first time the next day on Christmas. The title of the sermon was “Born to Die.” It was an earth-shattering revelation for Philip because Muslims don’t believe Jesus is the son of God or that he died on the cross.

“That day I gave my life to Jesus,” he says.

Philip hid his baptism certificate inside a book. One day, his mom came across it by accident. His entire family came to his house to pull him away from his new faith. But Ansari wasn’t alone because Jesus was with him.

Desperate to save her son from his new faith, his mom went to see a witch. After a few minutes, the she said, “Your son is surrounded by a fire! And the fire is burning my powers!” But she never told Philip.

Years later, Philip married and became a pastor in another city.

When he had a child, he invited his mom to visit.

He invited his mom to his church every Sunday, but she always turned him down. One Sunday, she came.

He preached on Psalm 104:4: The Lord makes his servants flames of fire.

He related it to the pillar of fire. “Anyone who is in Christ is entitled to this protection,” he preached. “He puts a fence around us.”

To his surprise, Philip’s mom stepped forward to accept Jesus.

Philip even asked if she had understood, since her native tongue is Urdu and he had preached in Tamil. But she said yes, she understood.

Later, she told Philip about the witch and the ring of fire protection. For years, she has asked people far and wide about the fire protecting Christians, and no one could answer. By the Holy Spirit, Philip had preached about it and given her the answer.

She could no longer deny the reality of God.

Later, she was baptized by Philip.

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About this writer: Morgan Miles studies at the Lighthouse Christian Academy near Venice, CA.


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