Former head of Campus Crusade passes to his reward


Steve Douglass, former president of Cru/Campus Crusade for Christ International, died on

Steve Douglass

Oct. 29, 2022 due to complications from cancer. He was 77.

Steve spent 53 years on staff with Cru fueled by a passion to maximize partnerships and tell people everywhere about God’s hope and purpose for each of our lives.

Many would consider Steve’s start in ministry unconventional.  A Massachusetts Institute of Technology undergraduate, he joined Cru in 1969 right after finishing Harvard Business School. He frequently recalled wondering if his Harvard professors were thinking, “Where did we go wrong? Does this man not realize he is about to graduate from one of the high temples of capitalism?”

Yet, Steve’s commitment to the Cru’s mission never wavered. He genuinely believed the best way to utilize what he’d learned was toward rapid acceleration of the Great Commission.

In his early years at the organization, Steve served in a variety of roles—most often working side-by-side with the ministry’s founder, Bill Bright. When he stepped into the role of president in 2001, he committed that he would seek to keep the movement true to its calling to help fulfill the Great Commission. He also said he would promote flexibility and innovation regarding strategy.

Steve faithfully fulfilled those promises during his 19 years as president, collaborating with a team of strong global leaders to enable the ministry to accelerate toward its goal to help connect people everywhere to Jesus Christ. Today, more than 16,000 staff members minister in over 190 countries.

Steve Douglass shares how he came to faith in Christ.


“Even though we all rejoice that Steve is with Jesus, this is a tremendous loss for the family and Campus Crusade for Christ/Cru,” said Cru President Steve Sellers. “A great missionary statesman has gone home.”

Steve authored and co-authored several books, including “Managing Yourself”, “How to Achieve Your Potential” and “Enjoy Life”, “How to Get Better Grades and Have More Fun”. He also founded the radio program, Making Your Life Count, which airs daily on 1,500 stations. Recently, Steve had served on the boards of the National Religious Broadcasters, the National Association of Evangelicals and Global Media Outreach.

Steve is survived by his wife, Judy, three grown children and ten grandchildren.


  1. Steve Douglas was one of the most important figures of the baby boom Christian generation. We appreciate his vast impact for the Lord.

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