Operation Blessing brings relief to child with clubfoot


By Israel Matthews –

A baby’s birth is cause for joy, but when Luz saw her son’s clubbed feet, she cried.

“I wondered if my son would ever be able to walk,” Luz said on a CBN video.

When Luz made the long journey to see a specialist in her Latin American country, she was discouraged. The price of the operation was prohibitively high. The single mom of two had spent all her money, made part time as a seamstress, on their travel to see the specialist.

“She told me the cost of the procedure and it was very expensive,” Luz says. “I was praying to the Lord for help because I had no way to pay that much for an operation.”

Luz with her baby Luis.

Fortunately, the doctor referred her to Operation Blessing, a CBN related non-profit, where they operated on Luis, performing the Ponseti method, putting his feet in casts with a metal brace to keep them pointing forward. Overjoyed, Luz sees the feet now as almost perfect.

“I am hoping that the brothers’ feet will be fine,” says sister Lara, through translation.

For more than 40 years, Operation Blessing has provided hunger relief, medical care, clean water and disaster relief to millions around the world.

“I feel so happy. I don’t know how to express it,” Luz says. “If the people who helped me were here in front of me, I would hug them.”

Through their compassionate response, Operation Blessing is able to target the specific needs of those they serve and be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who are suffering.

Israel Matthews studies at the Lighthouse Christian Academy near Culver City in Los Angeles.