Couple worked, drank, and fought, until they surrendered to Jesus


“My husband and I were both drunks,” said Agnes of Zambia.

The 33-year-old mother of two spent her days working in the local outdoor market, selling beauty products like lotion, face powder, nail polish, lipsticks, combs, and slippers.

“Each night, my husband and I would return home drunk and immediately engage in quarreling,” she told African Enterprise.

The elders in her family and the church attempted to help the couple. “Their counsel fell on deaf ears because I never listened to them,” she explained.

One day a team from African Enterprise visited the market where Agnes worked to teach about COVID-19 prevention. They distributed face masks and hand sanitizer. More importantly, they preached the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Agnes was initially skeptical about these visitors and suspected them to be false prophets. One of her friends, who knew about the team, assured her of their trustworthiness. With that recommendation, Agnes listened more closely to their preaching.

The Gospel message was delivered with power and conviction. The preachers seemed to be speaking directly to Agnes, as if they knew her personally.

The Word and the Spirit touched her heart. Convicted of her sins, she repented and surrendered her life to Jesus as her Lord and Savior.

“After committing my life to Jesus, I have stopped drinking and peace has returned to our home,” she said.

Agnes is committed to her local church, serving in the hospitality and service ministries, helping when people have funerals and sicknesses.

“My greatest desire is that the Gospel would be preached more in my area,” Agnes said.


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