When America turned from God, the suicide rate went up


By Mark Ellis —

Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain

Recent celebrity suicides by Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade – people who had attained the pinnacle of worldly success – has intensified the debate about causes and solutions related to a 30 percent increase in suicides in the U.S. since 1999.

“Secularization has only made this epidemic worse – because when you remove the phrase, ‘you were created for a purpose’ from the cultural conversation, suicide becomes an easier option,” noted Jason and David Benham in a recent World Net Daily (WND) column.

They say Jesus’ invitation for the weary and burdened to come to Him and that He will provide rest isn’t just a Sunday school lesson, “it’s a life-and-death offer.”

But in a country that has moved away from God, his priceless offer is ignored or even mocked. “Secularization has no solution, and it hasn’t fixed our problem,” they noted.

Satan’s plan is to lie, steal, kill and destroy – everyone and everything dear to you and your loved ones. “He’s a thief, and he works in our minds on a daily basis to break us down, forget God, lose our purpose and eventually convince us to take our lives if he can,” the Benhams noted.

David and Jason Benham

“Don’t think for a second Satan’s demons weren’t all over the minds of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain as they finally tied those bathrobe ties around their necks and hung themselves. We guarantee those demons were whispering things like, ‘You’re worthless. Just end it all. You have no hope.’

Sadly, Kate Spade left a teenage daughter behind and Anthony Bourdain left an eleven-year-old.

Knowing you were created for a purpose helps foil the plots and schemes of the evil one. Recognizing there is a battle for you mind, holding every thought captive, and reminding yourself of your identity in Christ, are all essential to defeating fiery darts from Satan and his minions.

“God loves us. He made us. And we have purpose,” the Benhams noted. “We mustn’t forget how valuable we are to Him, as He tells us, ‘We are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.’ (Ephesians 2:20)


Jason and David Benham were dropped from an HGTV house-flipping program after liberal activists pressured the network about the twins’ beliefs on marriage and sexuality.They are the authors of, “Whatever the Cost: Facing Your Fears, Dying to Your Dreams, and Living Powerfully”


  1. Yup. Knowing there is a purpose for your existence gives you the impetus needed to survive trials and troubles – and we all have those, sometimes daily. Without God, you wonder why you bother going through emotional pain or false accusations or whatever the trouble is. Why even bother, if one is just a “thing” that happened – a biological entity with no ultimate purpose or goal than to eat, sleep and work?!
    Millions wonder this..and some give in to the rationale and take their lives.
    How terribly sad.
    We MUST share the Gospel with people – anyone and everyone!
    You do not know how long your neighbor has left to live!
    Share with the service men who call by your home to do repairs, share with someone on the street.
    Offer a tract or offer words..be bold, you have the words of life which they desperately need.
    You may feel ineffective, but God can use those words you share.

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