Melania Trump wept at singing of “How Great Thou Art” by blind, disabled girl



By Mark Ellis

Melania Trump wipes away tears during hymn

During the Inaugural Prayer Service held at the National Cathedral on Saturday, President Donald Trump and the First Lady sat in the front row as a blind, 20-year-old woman with cerebral palsy was led out in front of them to sing.

Marlana VanHoose sang the traditional hymn “How Great Thou Art” before hundreds of worshippers, including the Vice President and his wife, many from the new Cabinet; and Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.

The First Lady wiped away tears from her eyes several times and stood to her feet to lead a standing ovation when VanHoose finished her touching rendition, according to Breitbart News.

Marlana VanHoose singing

The president’s son, Donald Trump, Jr., tweeted a video of VanHoose’s performance, indicating he was also deeply impacted, stating: “One of the most incredible and moving performances I’ve seen from yesterday’s #NationalPrayerService.”

The theme of national unity was expressed at the ecumenical service, which has become part of the inaugural tradition over the past several decades.

“With politicians seated in the pews as ordinary congregants, and religious leaders and laypeople leading them in prayer, without the pomp and ceremony of the day before, there was a sense of humility shared by all in the chapel, as well as a palpable sense of joy,” Joel Pollack noted on Breitbart.

Imams, rabbis, and several Christian denominations took part in the service. The Jewish Scripture came from 1 Kings 3: 5-12, King Solomon’s prayer for wisdom, something the new president will need in abundant supply.

“I felt in many ways this was the heart of the inauguration,” Pollak noted. “It was the nation coming together in humility, praying together and asking God for help.”

“Political divisions among Americans are part of life, and perhaps they will be felt more intensely in the coming months,” he added, “but hopefully those who were present and those who watched throughout the country will remember how joyful it was to be together, because it’s moments like these that will guide us through the difficult times.”







  1. God has blessed us with such a beautiful First Lady, inside and out, as well as a conservative President who truly cares about the people, rather than politics. Their whole family is so down-to-earth and they all have such caring hearts. We thank God every day for the blessing of this family in the White House!

  2. And a child shall lead them….
    A great beautiful soul encased in a small body is a gift from God.
    Marlana VanHoose has a very special role to play during these tense times.
    We welcome her into our hearts.

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