African albino faced rejection


By Mark Ellis —


Christine Nabukenya’s mother died when she was only eight-years-old, during childbirth with one of her siblings.

She feared going to school because of a stigma she carried from birth — as an African albino.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, people with albinism have been persecuted, killed and dismembered, and graves of albinos have been desecrated. Witch doctors have exploited superstitions that albino body parts contain certain magical powers. When the body parts are used in their rituals, this “magic” is released and thought to bring prosperity to the user.

Conversely, people with albinism have also been rejected or killed for the opposite reason, because they are said to be cursed or bring bad luck.

Many believe albinism is a punishment from God and that their “disease” might be contagious, another reason Christine feared going to school.

After her mother’s death, Christine was found by Every Child Ministries (ECM) and became involved in their Saturday programs, involving Bible reading, crafts, and tailoring.

Through her involvement there she found a “loving God,” and her true identity as a child of God through a relationship with Jesus. Now she wants to pass this truth on to other children who feel scorned by the culture.

At 14, she exudes confidence and fashion has become her career interest. Her goal is to attend a university and become a fashion designer and writer, according to ECM.

She also wants to get involved in charity programs so she can “help the forgotten children of Africa become remembered children of Africa, as I am.”

“I love to talk to children about albinism. I give them self-esteem that I have because it has helped me overcome mountains and mountains. If it wasn’t for that, I would be stigmatized. I would not even go to school because I would fear in the class.”

Christine sees God’s provision and the way He transformed her life, “If it was not for Him, maybe I would not have come to ECM. Maybe I would not be as beautiful and nice looking as I am. Thank you very much God. I bless your name.”


To know more about a personal relationship with God, go here

For more about ECM’s work with children, go here


  1. Dear,
    Father God Almighty,I pray and disassociate Christine from the evil claims of her place of birth in the name of Jesus..


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