Finding Hope in the New Year


 By Carol Round – “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not hopegrow weary, they will walk and not be faint”— Isaiah 40:31(NIV).

Isaiah 40:31 is one of my favorite scriptures. When I close my eyes, I can picture an eagle soaring overhead as I look up toward the heavens where I find my hope. The scripture also renews my strength and keeps me moving forward in a world often filled with hopelessness.

We’ve just come out of a season of hope and joy—a season filled with goodwill toward men. But after the gifts are unwrapped and the decorations are stowed, we often feel empty.

What has changed? Have we packed away our hope with the Christmas decorations? What about the joyous season we celebrated in song—songs filled with the promises of a Savior who came to earth to set us free?

The Promise of a New Year

Many make New Year’s resolutions to change habits and start anew. However, those resolutions usually fail before January 31 arrives.

In addition, some make predictions for the new year. What will 2024 hold for the world? For us and our family?

The fact is no one knows the future except our Creator. But, as followers of Jesus Christ, we can stand on the promises found in His Holy Word.

Choose a Word for the New Year

Instead of making resolutions, choose a word for the New Year. My word of the year is always related to spiritual growth. While I can’t recall when I started choosing my word, it has helped me to focus on God and His Word.

In the past, my words for the year have included the following: hope, love, patience, shape (as in shape me Lord), guidance, freedom, embrace, and many others I can’t recall. The idea is to focus on your spiritual growth.

After much prayer and reflection, my word for 2024 is “promises.” As I prayed, God’s Holy Spirit reminded me of something. In 2020, while my house was being built, I used a permanent marker to write God’s promises found in scripture on the concrete foundation in each room of my house. I included every room, including the closets, the laundry room, the bathrooms, and even my garage.

Standing on His Promises

I’ve actually been standing (and walking) on God’s promises since I moved in on January 9, 2021. But, as with most things hidden, I eventually forgot. Recently, however, when God brought the hidden to my mind, I shared it with a friend. It was a reminder I needed and an encouragement for her.

Instead of worrying about what the future might hold for me and my family—and even this world—I will be searching scriptures, writing them down, and memorizing the promises of my Abba Father. I want to inhale His goodness and His promises until they saturate my soul and my spirit rejoices in a God who loves me so much that He came to earth as a newborn and died for my sins as an unblemished man.

Try choosing a word for the year—a word that will encourage your spiritual growth and deepen your faith. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring but we know who holds our future in His hands.

I always love hearing from my readers. Please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] with your thoughts or visit my blog for more inspiration at If you need a speaker or workshop leader, contact me at the above e-mail address or through my website. I’d be delighted to hear from you.

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