Did You Know Making Your Bed is A Gift?


giftBy Carol Round “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change”—James 1:7(ESV).

A recent social media post on a friend’s page led me to consider the gifts we’ve received from God. Gifts we might overlook or not even consider in our daily lives. The story in the social media post was one of those gifts we sometimes don’t even consider.

In the story, an adult daughter was packing up to head back home after visiting her aging mother. When the daughter noted her mother had made the bed, she asked why and wanted to know if she did that every morning. After all, she said, “No one is going to see your bedroom, except you.”

Her mother’s response? “Oh dear, I make my bed every morning because it’s a gift I get to open at the end of every day. A gift not everyone has. So, while I’m wrapping my bed in the morning and I’m unwrapping it at night, I’m reminded of what a great blessing my bed really is in my life.”

Recognizing Daily Gifts

The writer of this story added, “When we stop viewing what we have as little, insignificant or not enough, then we get to see what we do have as gifts we enjoy, great blessings in our lives and provision for our needs.”

Yes, I make my bed every morning, but I’d never considered it a gift. It’s a habit my mother instilled in her daughters. After reading this story, it opened my eyes to consider those things I often take for granted.

Ecclesiastes 7:14 is a great reminder: “When things are going well for you, be glad, and when trouble comes, just remember—God sends both happiness and trouble; you never know what is going to happen next.”

You Never Know What’s Next

We never know what is going to happen next. Isn’t that the truth? Last year started great for me. As the months passed by, I started taking life for granted. Even though I thank God daily for my blessings, I often overlook how blessed I really am.

For example, although I’ve had 13 surgeries in my 70 years, I’m healthy otherwise. Before mid-September, I walked my dog daily, usually around three miles. I do my own yard work, mowing with a push mower and working in my flowerbeds, including digging holes for planting bushes.

When I began to have pain in my right hip, I was forced to hire someone local to mow and weed eat for me. I could still do some outside work, like watering my flowers, but the pleasure of being outside walking my dog and mowing—yes, I love mowing—became impossible unless I wanted to suffer with pain. I’m still dealing with this issue even though I’ve had several MRIs, injections, and physical therapy. But at least the pain is not as intense.

What We Take for Granted

Life is full of the unexpected. We complain when the electricity is out, and the electric company isn’t restoring power as fast as we would like. Bad weather conditions force us to stay off the road. We complain road crews aren’t doing their job. And the list goes on.

God has given us so much more than we deserve. Maybe we’ve gotten too complacent, including getting too comfortable with God.

As for me, I’ve decided to recognize making my bed as a gift. Today, I just want to thank God for the gift of life. No requests. No complaints. I’m just thankful to be alive.

I always love hearing from my readers. Please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] with your thoughts or visit my blog for more inspiration at www.carolaround.com. If you need a speaker or workshop leader, contact me at the above e-mail address or through my website. I’d be delighted to hear from you.

Photo credit: Photo credit: ccsjchurch.org