Mission trip miracle: God answered a faith-filled prayer


By Mark Ellis —

Bryan Cutshall

Dr. Bryan Cutshall says he has seen many miracles in his life. This one took place on a mission trip to El Salvador. They had a team of volunteers that came along with Dr. Custshall, including several brick masons, but they ran into a significant problem when their building materials fell short.

“On this trip we ran out of sand,” Dr. Cutshall recounted on a video posted to YouTube. “Sand in El Salvador is different than other places. You have to dig it out of the river base and sift it. It is not like you can go to a building supply; there’s no Lowes. You have to dig the sand out, put it on a truck. Then you have to get it off the truck and sift all the junk out of it so you can use it.

When his team ran out of sand the job was put on hold. “All the builders on my team were whining and complaining. I had contention in my group. We didn’t anticipate running out of sand.”

Elder David Haines, who Dr. Cutshall refers to as his “companion and armor bearer” observed the complaining.

“He was my protector; that was his role in life. He thought his job was to make sure I came back from every battle alive. He saw me getting weary.”

Elder Haines gathered the group and said, “Boys, we’re not going to be discouraged by a lack of sand. God owns the sand. God will give us the sand!”

He began to pray boldly, with faith and conviction.  As he started the prayer, some of the men rolled their eyes, wondering how this would help.

“This sounds too crazy to be true,” Dr. Cutshall reported. “But this is exactly what happened and everybody on that job site can tell you. When we finished the prayer and Elder Haines said amen, there was a truck that pulled up immediately – not five minutes later.

“As soon as he finished the prayer this truck pulled up and these guys said, ‘We have a lot of extra sand and we thought maybe you guys would like to buy it off us.’

They had an entire dump truck load of sand that had already been sifted and it was ready for building!

“We don’t know if those guys were angels, but they dumped that sand, we gave them a little bit of money, and they left.

“That was an absolute miracle. If that had not happened, I don’t know how we would have finished this project. It happened exactly that way.”


Dr. Bryan Cutshall is in International conference speaker, teacher and consultant. He is the president of the International School of the Word (ISOW), an online Bible School with over 6100 students in 66 countries. He is also the president of Church Trainer, a resource ministry for churches and leaders. He has authored over 48 books, including numerous training manuals for churches. He previously served as the Lead Pastor of Twin Rivers Worship Center in St. Louis, Missouri for 27 years. Bryan and his wife, Faith, together with their entire family, serve in full-time ministry.

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