Taliban hit-list of known Christians causes many to flee to the mountains


What we are witnessing right now is the decimation of the country and people of Afghanistan. We are watching 20 years of work and the strengthening of a nation being destroyed in a single day.

The Taliban has a hit list of known Christians they are targeting to pursue and kill. The US Embassy is defunct and there is no longer a safe place for believers to take refuge. All borders to neighboring countries are closed and all flights to and from have been halted, with the exception of private planes. People are fleeing into the mountains looking for asylum. They are fully reliant on God, who is the only One who can and will protect them.

The Taliban are going door-to-door taking women and children. The people must mark their house with an “X” if they have a girl over 12 years old, so that the Taliban can take them. If they find a young girl and the house was not marked they will execute the entire family. If a married woman 25 years or older has been found, the Taliban promptly kill her husband, do whatever they want to her, and then sell her as a sex slave.

Husbands and fathers have given their wives and daughters guns and told them that when the Taliban come, they can choose to kill them or kill themselves—it is their choice.

Some women said they had no time to buy a burqa to comply with Taliban rules that women should be covered up and accompanied by a male relative when they leave the house.

To Afghanistan’s women, the flowing cloth represents the sudden and devastating loss of rights gained over 20 years—the right to work, study, move and even live in peace—that they fear will never be regained.”[Source: CNN World]

Global Catalytic Ministries (GCM), a longtime ministry partner of FAI, is taking an active stance in prayer, support, and advocacy for our brothers and sisters—many of whom have been serving as leaders as the Afghanistan church grows at a historic rate (second only to Iran right now).

Although people are heading for the hills, many want to stay in the country and continue to advance the Gospel; however, we will relocate those who need to be secured. GCM’s stance has always been and will be to do whatever is necessary to move the Gospel forward. Our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan continue to inspire us with their boldness and resolve in their darkest hour.


Please pray for the Afghan Church to have strength and endurance. They continue to lead Bible studies, prayer meetings, and are proactively evangelizing during the very events you are seeing in the news. Pray for them to be hidden supernaturally by the hand of the Lord just like in John 8:59 when Jesus disappeared into the crowd.

The Afghan Church and GCM believe that the best days are before us, and we will witness the greatest movement of salvation among Muslims from the ashes of this catastrophe.

  • Pray for those fleeing to the hills to be protected (Psalm 73, Psalm 91)

  • Pray for miraculous protection for women and children being forcibly taken and those that have already been taken for their protection, salvation, and deliverance. (2 Thessalonians 3:1-5)

  • Pray that the Afghan Church steps into her identity in Christ and walks in unity with the Holy Spirit. (Ezekiel 37, Romans 15:5-6)


We are storing up a “war chest” for our believers. It will include emergency funds and supplies to help get them to safety, to assist in relocation, and for medical and physical needs of the families. These believers that have fled to the mountains currently need essential supplies of food, water, and basic vitamins.

Between now and 9/11 of this year, an anniversary marked by the Taliban having clinched total control over Afghanistan, we are raising $500K to serve and support a network of 1500+ Afghan families and ministry partners committed to serving their communities with basic needs (food, water, shelter) through the uncertain days and months ahead. We have already begun mobilization. Get involved today.


Global Catalytic Ministries is a nonprofit organization who has been a part of two major documentary films: Sheep Among Wolves, Vols. I & II. This unique, groundbreaking ministry is carried out almost entirely by nationals and former Muslims—some of whom were even terrorists, and are making disciples where no one wants to.