Son of witchcraft doctor has 65 brothers and sisters, became follower of Jesus



By Mark Ellis —

Binora Dado (Photo: JESUS Film Project)

He was the firstborn son of his father’s 21 wives, the eldest among 65 brothers and sisters.

“It was my destiny to follow my father, a witch doctor,” Binora Dado told the JESUS Film Project. “I believed so many lies.”

After Binora decided to follow Jesus, he knew he would face retribution from his family. I have done an unforgivable thing to my father. He will surely kill me, he thought.

Binora’s father (Photo: JESUS Film Project)

As a result, Binora lived apart from his family for 20 years. But with the passage of time, the Lord impressed on his heart the desire to return and share the Good News.

Now it’s different. I must tell them, he decided. “Witchcraft brings death. My people need life. Even if I die, I have to tell them they must know Jesus,” he recounted to the JESUS Film project.

Risking his life, Binora went back to his village to share the JESUS Film. It was not in their language, so when it was shown, Binora provided the interpretation of the Gospel story in the heart language of his people.

Binora translated the JESUS Film for his people (Photo: JESUS Film)

Binora showed the film seven times and there was an amazing result. Binora’s father, the witch doctor, became a follower of Jesus! So did many others.

Baptism of Binora’s father (Photo: JESUS Film Project)

As a result of the showings, 30 churches were eventually planted and today there are over 7000 disciples in the surrounding area.

Still, none of Binora’s people have seen the JESUS film in their own language. “They want the film and they want training. Imagine how the church could multiply. Imagine what God could do.”


For more about helping Binora’s people with the JESUS Film, go here


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