A $3K robbery baffled fortune teller, puja practitioner


By Allie Scribner –

Since Soni* made her living by telling people’s futures, the astrologer and tarot card reader was quite upset that she didn’t foresee her own son getting robbed in the UK.

“I make my living by telling people their futures, but I didn’t see this coming,” she tearfully told Elyse, who works in Southeast Asia, as reported by Pioneers.

Elyse got the chance to visit Soni at her home by way of Sara, a new convert who had begun working for Soni doing housework.

In a land of poverty, Soni is well-to-do, a lady in her thirties. Her son, however, got robbed out of an uber in the UK of his passport, his ID card and $3,000 of company merchandise. Soni was distressed and had been crying for two days.

Soni got her wealth by foreseeing the future. She had 200 Hindu idols carefully on display in every corner of her living room. When Elyse first visited, there were sweets, flowers and fruits as offerings in front of many idols, and incense burned regularly. Soni performed puja, Hindu ritual worship, for them. She used astrology and tarot cards.

Sara had only recently a job doing housework for Soni. She stood out because she refused to join the pujas that Soni performed.

When Soni’s son got struck by the robbery, she was at a loss of how this could have happened. She was crying and praying to the gods for some answer.

Then Elyse, the missionary, walked in.

“For 48 hours, I have been performing pujas and praying to every god that I knew. I begged for a sign,” Soni told Elyse. “Isn’t it interesting that a local priest, monk, or imam didn’t walk through my door? You did. As an answer from God, I feel compelled to listen to you. It was no accident that you came here today.”

Elyse then shared the gospel with her for 30 minutes.

“I know that this is a lot of new information and that perhaps it even seems overwhelming or impossible,” she told Soni at the end. “There’s no pressure for you to believe what I’ve just told you, but what I know to be true is that Jesus is big enough to show you if He really is God or not.”

Elyse asked for prayer for Soni to fully come to Jesus and to find another form of making money. She works with her husband in an undisclosed location in Southeast Asia.

If you want to know more about a personal relationship with God, go here

*Names are changed.

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About the writer of this article: Allie Scribner lives in Santa Monica and studies at the Lighthouse Christian Academy.