Girl, 14, had all organs shut down, no oxygen for an hour, came back to life


By James Feltner —

Jamie Burns in hospital

According to the American Medical Association, clinical death is the cessation of the pumping of blood by the heart through the body, which will inevitably result in the cessation of breathing.  It is a medical emergency, and without immediate intervention to reverse the condition, legal death will be declared.

We had been pastoring Faith Tabernacle in Russellville, Arkansas for many years. On the evening of January 20, 2006, I received a phone call from Glen and Margaret Barnnon, a couple in my church, who were at the Arkansas Children’s Hospital. Their 14-year-old daughter, Jamie Burns, had developed Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) two day earlier and was in critical condition.

A few minutes after we arrived and greeted Glen and Margaret, Dr. Bannister ran to us and said, “Jamie is in full cardiac arrest, and we cannot get her back. We want you to come back and watch, so that you can see that we are doing everything possible to save her life!” They had already shocked Jamie 13 times and had been doing CPR on her for 40 minutes.

We were not ready for what we saw. Glen and Margaret fell to the floor in shock. Chyrel, my wife, went to the front of the monitor which showed a straight line—no heartbeat! About 20 more people were in the room. Chyrel began screaming at the devil and rebuking Satan’s power over Jamie. She got louder and louder as she screamed, “I command life to come back into Jamie in Jesus’ name!”

Meanwhile, I ran to Glen and Margaret to help them get up. As I approached them, the Lord told me to prophesy to them, “This sickness is not unto death. I the Lord God will raise Jamie up this day, and you will know that I am the Lord your God!”

At first, I hesitated, because I feared that if she did not come back from the dead, I would be called a “false prophet.” But the Lord immediately urged me again to give them that prophecy. So I did! At that moment, a doctor yelled, “We have a heartbeat!”

We rejoiced and shouted praises to God! However, the doctors regained Jamie’s heartbeat several times, but kept losing it. Jamie went into full cardiac arrest five times. This meant that she died five times, clinically speaking.

As I was ministering to Glen and Margaret on the floor, Chaplain John, the hospital chaplain, was praying with me. The doctors said that Jamie had eight broken ribs from the CPR, her heart was destroyed because of the 13 times that they had given her heart shock treatment, her kidneys had shut down, all her organs were failing, and she had no oxygen to her brain for an hour and five minutes. They told Glen and Margaret that they had a choice to make—to try to keep Jamie alive and take the risk that she would be in a vegetative state for the rest of her life, or to let her die. They chose life!

We kept praying and speaking God’s Word over Jamie for the next nine days. After nine days, Jamie walked out of the hospital in a completely healed state. She had no broken ribs, no brain damage, and her heart and all her organs were perfectly functioning! All the doctors, nurses, and staff members called Jamie the “Miracle child!”

We have copies of Jamie’s cardiopulmonary arrest records from the Arkansas Children’s Hospital, photos, the newspaper article from the Batesville Daily Guard by Jon Trobaugh, and a written testimony by Glen, Jamie’s stepfather.

Many years later, we accepted the call to return to the pastorate at Emanuel Chapel in South Coffeyville, Oklahoma, because the Lord had previously given me a vision of revival in Coffeyville, Kansas just across the border. I believed that this was to be the time of the harvest that I saw in my vision. I found that it indeed was that time, and revival has been going on and spreading for a few years now in the entire region. Revival in Coffeyville has not merely been shown me in a vision, but it has also been prophesied by Oral Roberts and Kenneth Copeland.

There has been church growth in my church and other pastors’ churches, healings, and deliverances. Also, a new church is being birthed in this revival. Coffeyville Worship Center, pastored by Dr. James F. Linzey, will soon be opening.

The anointing by which the dead has been raised has passed on to the Assembly of God pastor, Randy DePriest. And in the Spring of 2022, a woman who Rev. DePriest prayed for at the Coffeyville Regional Medical Center was raised to life, as witnessed by Dr. Landon D. Vinson, nurses, and staff members. Dr. Linzey, who has appeared on Trinity Broadcasting Network, CBS, and Daystar Television Network, reported on this for Charisma, and it has been picked up by Christian Broadcasting Network, God TV, World Net Daily, and Pneuma Review.

Jesus said, “For as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, even so the Son gives life to whom He will” (Jn. 5:21, MEV). Also, both Elijah and Elisha, in 1 Kings 17:20-22 and 2 Kings 4:32-35, respectively, had seen the dead raised. Even a man who had died had risen from the dead after his corpse had come into contact with the bones of Elisha, as recorded in 2 Kings 13:21.

All things are possible if we only believe!


James Feltner and his wife, Chyrel, are the pastors of Emanuel Chapel in South Coffeyville, Oklahoma, and are the authors of “Divine God Encounters”. They are church planters and have pastored for 31 years in the South and Midwest. James is the brother of the late Charles Feltner who wrote the beloved hymn, “I’ll See You in the Rapture.”