Pastor startled when Muslim nurse confesses Christ


By Alexia Hess –

The spread of the gospel is taking place in ways no one would ever expect. Recently a pastor in a Muslim country was surprised by a Muslim nurse who came to him and confessed Christ.

“I’m a sinner and he is my Lord and Savior,” Dana* told the pastor. It was startling because usually Muslims cannot go beyond calling Jesus simply a prophet. Moreover, calling yourself a sinner is shameful in the culture, the native pastor told Christian Aid Mission (CAM).

Dana had traveled 50 miles to find the church. She came to be baptized also.

After executing the mandates of Islam to perfection for years, Dana still had no peace, so she launched into a study of comparative religions, a quest that drew sharp criticisms from her Muslim friends who sternly warned her that leaving Islam was the worst sin.

She remained undaunted.

Dana showed up at the church with her hijab on, the traditional Muslim head covering. She asked the pastor if she could continue wearing it to blend in. The pastor affirmed her request and said that not denying Christ was really the only thing that mattered.

“Just don’t deny Christ Jesus,” he advised her. “Don’t continue your old ways of worship. Go as the spirit leads you, growing strong in your new faith.”

After staying a couple days, the nurse returned home. Two months later, she reported to the pastor that she had ditched the hijab. It is a symbol of extremist Islam and the repression of women, according to CAM.

“Those who ask me why (I no longer wear hijab), hear my testimony of why I believe in Jesus,” she says. “Some are angry with me. Some ask me about it. I’m taking two New Testaments back with me for them.”

*name changed for security reasons.

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About the writer of this article: Alexia Hess studies at Lighthouse Christian Academy near Westchester, Los Angeles.


  1. You need be a God .. Jehovah… through Jesus .. visit a kingdom Hall.. you can’t criticize things you don’t understand

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