Satanist conference in Salem will be biggest ever


The Satanic Temple, based in Salem, Massachusetts, will be holding a conference April 28-30. Called “SatanCon 2023,” the conference will attract some 800 participants and claims to be the largest gathering of Satanists ever.

Priests for Life National Director Frank Pavone has been alerting clergy about the event.  “The group claims they are not coming together to worship Satan, but rather assert their ‘core values’ of compassion, intellectualism, and personal freedoms,” Pavone pointed out.

For many years, Priests for Life has spread the testimony of Zachary King, a former High Wizard of Satanism who has become a pro-life Catholic. “As Zachary has written in his book, ‘A religion doesn’t have to worship Satan to be satanic. All you have to do is not worship God the Father.

Participants at last year’s SatanCon shouting “Hail Satan” (Facebook)

During his time in Satanism, King helped to kill 146 babies in ritualistic abortions. “The promotion of abortion is a denial of God. One of the workshops at the conference will deal with ‘reproductive justice.’ And this group has brought about legal challenges to various state laws against abortion (such as in Indiana and Idaho), claiming that prohibitions on abortion prevent their religious freedom to have an abortion as a satanic ritual,” Pavone explained.

Saturday schedule (Facebook)

“At a time when the abortion battle in the United States is at a fever pitch, is it any wonder that a conference of Satanists is at its largest attendance ever?”