Group celebrates 100 million salvation decisions


The group “Reaching Souls International™  announced 100 million salvation decisions since the ministry’s founding in 1986.

Reaching Souls, which supports more than 2,000 National Missionaries in 13 countries across Africa, Asia and Latin America, has been tracking the effectiveness of its ministry for years, eager to give glory to God for a great harvest of souls across the world.

“When it comes to reaching people for Christ, there is no time to waste,” said Dustin K. Manis, President and CEO of Reaching Souls. “Choosing to count something is an indicator of its value. Therefore, we count what matters and praise God for all of it. If you’re not measuring your progress, it’s easy to get distracted by things that aren’t important or essential. Results matter to God, and they should matter to us.”

Reaching Souls provides essential evangelism tools and support that empower thousands of missionaries around the world to reach their own people groups with the Gospel. The ministry believes that partnering with local leaders who are relationally and culturally connected to their communities is not only the most effective way to share the Gospel but also the most affordable and efficient.

“Our donors may never meet the people whose lives they’re impacting, but rest assured, it’s because of them that we’re able to spread the Gospel to every corner of the earth,” notes Odus L. Compton, Chief Operating Officer of Reaching Souls. “The value of a soul is priceless, and while no equation can quantify the eternal value of salvation through Christ, we know for every $0.65 invested by donors through Reaching Souls last year, an individual came to know Christ.”

While celebrating this newest milestone, Reaching Souls has a goal to continue expanding into new territories, new countries and new continents in an effort to complete the Great Commission.

“Our sole focus is a soul focus,” shares Manis. “Our mission is in our name. Reaching this incredible milestone of 100 million salvation decisions motivates us to steadfastly continue in the work of equipping dedicated missionaries through the support of generous donors. We invite everyone to be a part of this great harvest for the Kingdom of God. When you choose to invest in souls, you leave an eternal impact.”


To learn more about Reaching Souls International, visit Since 1986, Reaching Souls International™ has worked to make the name of Jesus and His Gospel known all around the world by equipping local Christians with the resources needed to effectively share the Gospel with their own people group. Reaching Souls currently partners with more than 2,000 missionaries in 13 countries across three continents. The ministry aspires to reach the maximum number of people for Christ in the least amount of time in the most efficient way.


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