The Jesus Movement and Contagious Faith

Could be be on the verge of another movement?

By Jerry Wiles —

In the Spring of 1971, my wife and I were students during a season known as the Jesus Movement.  It was a spiritually transformational season for many of us and we had the opportunity of making lots of new friends.  One of the couples we got to know was a businessman and his wife, Wayne and Barbara, had recently had a life changing encounter with the Lord.  They were excited about Jesus and were actively sharing Him with others.  Their faith was contagious.  The Lord greatly used them in influencing our spiritual lives and walk with God.  In many ways they were models and mentors to us. We also began sharing our faith and seeing others come to Christ.

Better Caught, than Taught

We have often heard the phrase, “Our faith in Christ is sometimes better caught, than taught.”  It is true that what others see in our lives is often more impactful than what we say.  Sharing Jesus should be a spontaneous outworking of the indwelling Christ. Scripture tells us that it’s out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.  The way we treat people is often more important than what we tell them.

Life, Character, and Power

Sometimes the workplace can be our mission field

Sharing Jesus in the workplace can apply to our own workplace, as well as the workplace of others.  Sharing Jesus should start with those who are closest to us.  We are ambassadors of Christ, ministers of reconciliation, and have been giving the message of reconciliation.  Knowing our true identity in Christ will give us the capacity to act on that truth and demonstrate it to those around us.  God’s ultimate intention for each of His children is being an extension of His life, an expression of His character and an exhibit of His power.

The Power of Word and Deed

Over the years I’ve heard people say something like, “I just witness by my life.”  That’s great and our incarnational witness is important.  However, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.  So, at some point we need to communicate the truth of the gospel.

God uses big meetings, but often it’s the personal touch that impacts many

That can take on many forms of expression.  Sharing tracts, gospel literature and Scripture portions have been effective with many coming to faith.  However, word of mouth, telling our story (testimony) and God’s story is really more universal and appropriate in many cases.  Biblical storytelling and other oral art forms are gaining attention and momentum around the world.  It’s returning to the most basic and the most effective ways that people have learned and communicated since the beginning of time.  Again, it’s our witness in word and deed that enables us to effectively share Jesus in the workplace, and in any place.

Bold Witness

When we think of the diverse methods, resources and strategies, there are no shortages of examples.  The various ways of sharing Jesus in everyday life can take on many different expressions.  It will be different for a business owner or corporate executive than for a janitor, bus driver, security guard or salesperson.  However, when we are in a right relationship with the Lord, every place provides witness, ministry or mission opportunities.

Selling cars, Sharing Christ

A long-time friend in the auto sales and car rental business is a great model.  Being the owner of the business allowed him to conduct Bible Studies and prayer times with his employees, as well as customers from time to time.  The marque at this car dealership read, “Selling Cars is our Business – Sharing Christ is our Life.”  That phrase was also printed on their business cards.  A dentist friend has Scripture posters displayed on the ceiling in his practice, so his patients see them while have their dental work done. Not everyone can be that bold and upfront, but many can.

Orality Strategies and the Work of the Spirit

Another friend is an architect and has a construction company.  Participating in Bible Storying and Orality training equipped him with some new skills he has effectively used in his business.  He often takes lunch to his employees on the work sites and tells stories while having lunch with them.  He has led several to the Lord using the skills of telling stories and asking questions.  As valuable as acquiring skills, methods, and techniques for sharing Jesus, it is foundational to recognize the role of prayer and the work of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is creative and unlimited in the ways He can use us as salt and light, and as ministers of reconciliation in our spheres of influence.

The Best is Yet to Be

It is encouraging to realize that we don’t have to wait for some sweeping movement of God.  We can enter the redemptive activities of the Holy Spirit at any time.  He is ready when we are. Many are praying for another Jesus Movement, spiritual awakening, and revival in our time.  It is important to realize that God has been, is now and will always be active in redeeming His creation. It is our own hearts that need to be changed, focused on Him, and obedient to His Word.  The greatest movement of God may just be ahead.  We can pray, hope, and act accordingly.  The best really is yet to be.

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  1. Totally agree: Christians should not be “waiting for another revival!” We are commanded to “sow beside *all* waters.”
    “He that regards the clouds (wants for the ‘right’ weather) shall not sow.”
    Jesus said , “Don’t you say there are *yet* four months and *then* comes the harvest? but I say to you: look on the fields, they are white *already* to harvest.” John 7.
    There’s *always* people around us dying and going to hell.

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