L.A. pastor shot dead after teaching Sunday School


By Mark Ellis —

Pastor Reginald Moore and his wife

Pastor Reginald Moore, 67, was shot in the chest shortly before noon October 24th, outside the Upper Room Christian Center, where he had just taught Sunday School. He was found lying in the street still clutching his Bible.

He was walking to his car prior to the main worship service at the church, family members told the L.A. Times.

“The people who shot him had to know he was coming from church, that he was defenseless, just a disabled, old man walking to his car,” Raymond Sanders, Moore’s nephew, told The Times.

Authorities believe the pastor was the intended target, but have not established a motive, Sheriff’s Lt. Charles Calderaro said.

At his last Bible study, Moore taught about the importance of seeking forgiveness, rather than letting anger turn to rage or bitterness.

“He was discussing how you can be angry, but sin not. He was saying you can be angry, but still be a better person, a better man, a better father by not turning to anger,” Sanders said.

Sanders said his uncle would forgive the person who shot him.

A witness described a gray sedan speeding from the scene of the killing near Compton Boulevard and Dwight Avenue, according to the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department.

Moore had no gang affiliations and was completely devoted to his calling as a minister to the church.

“He was the type of person to always talk about the word of God, and for him to just walk to his car after teaching about the Lord and get killed that way, well there just are no words,” Sandra Gladney, Moore’s niece, told The Times. “This killing spirit is the enemy. This is between good and evil. Who walks up to people with no conscience and just does this?”

Moore often preached about gang members putting down their weapons and encouraged people to go to church.

“He was out there trying to win souls,” Gladney said.


Anyone with information about the shooting can call Los Angeles County Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-8477. Callers can remain anonymous.