Pray for Baby Charley with Stage 3 cancer


“Then Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray always and not to lose heart”—Luke 18:1(NRSV). 

It’s difficult to not lose heart when our prayers go unanswered. Whether it’s for a specific need or a special person, when we don’t see immediate results, we can lose hope.

One encouraging scripture about hope is found in Isaiah. “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint” (40:31).

Our hope is in the Lord. We can’t lose heart. Even when God doesn’t answer our prayers the way we had hoped, delays His answer, or answers in an unexpected way, we cannot give up praying.

Don’t Stop Praying 

On a 3 x 5 index card, I keep a list of people and issues for which I am praying. The card marks a page in my Bible, like a bookmark, to remind me of my list. Some people have been on my list for years. While some are related to me, others I’ve never met. Some are neighbors, friends, and church family. Others, like Charley Rose have captured my heart.

Charley will be one year old on July 21. However, she has spent almost half of her life living in a hospital full-time. On Christmas Day, 2020, Charley was diagnosed with stage 3 Neuroblastoma, a cancer that develops from immature nerve cells found in several areas of the body.

I began following a personal blog called “Charley’s Angels” on Facebook, and I’ve been amazed at the spiritual strength exhibited by her young parents—both are 20 years old. Through the ups and downs of Charley’s treatments, and the good and not-so-good news from her medical team, her parents’ faith has remained strong. While I know they’ve been discouraged at times, their hope is in the Lord.

Our Hope is in Him

As I’ve followed Charley’s journey, praying for her, praying for her parents, and praying for her medical team, my heart has hurt for this precious child of God. I’ve wondered how Charley has remained so strong. Go to and you’ll see what I mean.

Follow Charley’s journey from the beginning and you’ll see a child who is determined to live despite what she has and is experiencing. You’ll be inspired by her fight to overcome this deadly disease. But she needs our help. She needs more prayer warriors to intercede on her behalf.

Anne Graham Lotz once wrote, “The prayer that storms the gates of Heaven is an outpouring of heartfelt emotion and passionate pleading based on God’s Word as we hold Him to His promises.”

Storm the Gates of Heaven

Let us storm the gates of heaven for Charley Rose. Let’s commit to praying for her until her tumor disappears and she is completely healed. Go to war on her behalf and intercede for this precious child.

Galatians 6:2 says, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

What happens when we pray for others? God will use your obedience to grow you spiritually. Praying for others leads to a burdening of the heart about ministering to others. More importantly, praying for others brings glory to our Heavenly Father.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Please check out the Facebook page, and become one of Charley’s Angels. Add her to your prayer list, please. Also, please share this post so others can join us in storming the gates of heaven for Charley Rose’s healing.


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