Prostitute found Jesus when she least expected


By Mark Ellis

JESUS Film set-up
JESUS Film set-up

As darkness fell in Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cecile*, a “woman of the night” wandered the streets aimlessly. She noticed a large crowd forming on the outskirts of the city and went to investigate, according to a report by Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF).

People were slowly filling up an empty field where a large, white screen had been erected. What is this all about? she wondered. There seemed to be a buzz of excitement and anticipation in the air.

Cecile knew she should begin looking for her next customer, but something was drawing her to stay. She lingered a few more minutes, then sat down among the crowd.

A movie began that was like no other she had seen: The JESUS Film. She learned about the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, his death and resurrection, and that he reached out with healing hands to the last, the least, and the lost.

JESUS Film showing
JESUS Film showing

She watched him heal a leper and befriend sinners rejected by the “religious.” He even befriended prostitutes!

On bended knee, she began to weep over her sins. And when the invitation was given, she stood up to receive Jesus as her Savior and Lord.

God has worked mightily in her life since that night. Cecile became involved with a local church and attends weekly Bible classes. She is also engaged to be married!

“People can see the radical change that has transformed her life from a sad and miserable one, captured by the devil, to a joyful one of freedom with the Owner and Giver of life, the Lord Jesus Christ,” says Leta Kupa, MAF’s manager of finance for the West DRC program in Kinshasa.

The JESUS Film ministry is Leta’s passion. On weekends, when his official MAF work is over, Leta loads MAF’s projection equipment into the ministry’s 4-wheel-drive vehicle and drives out to surrounding areas to show the compelling video.

“With the film, you have people who encounter the Lord while they are wandering, not even sure they could meet the Lord as it was in the case of this lady,” Leta notes. “These people decide to come to Jesus by themselves through what they have seen and heard of the Gospel.”

One weekend Leta organized showings in two different villages to audiences totaling about 3,500 people. More than 600 people made decisions for Christ that weekend.

These outreaches are part of the MAF mission of transforming lives, churches and communities. Each team member and every piece of equipment plays an important role in this Kingdom work. The lives of people like Cecile will never be the same.


*Name changed for privacy.

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