The notable and quotable Howard Hendricks


Shortly after the home-going of Howard Hendricks on February 20, Will Mancini posted some of his favorite, epic quotes from the longtime

Howard Hendricks
Howard Hendricks

professor at Dallas Theological Seminary.

“You can impress from a distance, but you can only impact up close.

You teach what you know, but you reproduce what you are.

You never graduate from the school of discipleship.

When God measures a man he puts the tape around the heart, not the head.

Jesus never discipled one-on-one.

The Bible was written not to satisfy your curiosity but to help you conform to Christ’s


The goal is not to make you a smarter sinner but to make you like the Saviour.

It’s a sin to bore people with the Bible.

Christian education is a bomb with a long fuse – it takes a while to go off.

Our problem is that we are in the Word but not under the Word.

Most people don’t think, they just rearrange their prejudices.

Your strengths develop your confidence; your weaknesses develop your faith.

My greatest fear is not your failure, but your success.”

The following video was made from Dr. Hendricks’ memorial service…