Why we pray — prayers answered for baby in the womb


By Jay Grant —

Pastor Jay Grant

This week my prayer letter to you focuses on one monumental report. Sit back and be amazed… In mid-May, I wrote down this pressing need in my prayer letter: “Debbie V, (a friend of someone in our church), is 20 months pregnant but having extreme difficulties as fluids are in the brain of the child. Please pray for a healthy baby to be born.”

Here now is the latest report on the unborn child as written by the father…

“Thank you for your support and prayers for us and baby over the past several weeks. Today we cried many tears as a result of our ultrasound appointment. Here’s why: We went in today to the high risk lab and were escorted by a man with a somber look and compassionate eyes into the ultrasound room. He couldn’t have been kinder. He introduced himself as Ron, the lead technician, and said he would be performing the ultrasound today.

He explained that he was going to be taking some measurements and then would be looking at the brain where the defect is in order to see how and if things have progressed. He treated us to some great video and photos of our baby in 4D which was quite amazing. He commented on how much the baby was posing for him and how strong the baby was for only 24 weeks. We felt very bonded with our baby. He spent some time on the brain, though not a lot, and mentioned that here is the “Sternum Magnum”; the area where they were concerned about the defect.

After about what I would guess was 45 minutes or so, he went out to grab the high risk specialist Dr. – (actually the one who properly identified why Deb had a 105.9 temperature after giving birth to Braylon – but that is another story altogether). After some recap of that adventure, she began to perform here own ultrasound and ultimately said that “Looking at the chart and reports from the last ultrasound, I was pretty concerned, but now I don’t see anything wrong whatsoever. This baby is totally healthy and I can’t see anything wrong with the brain.”

It was surreal and we were in complete awe for the rest of the afternoon. I confirmed with Ron, who is the premier technician for the office and has been doing this for 30 years, and he smiled and simply said “The results of this ultrasound are totally normal”. This was not supposed to be one of the options. It was clear from our 20 week appointment that the defect was there and we were coming back a month later to see how or if the defect has grown. This would then determine where on the wide continuum of symptoms we fell.

Amazing. God is SO GOOD! But that wasn’t my primary reason for the tears. When we first heard the news about our baby’s brain defect, it came in the midst of some pretty heavy decision stuff for me career wise. Three pieces of significant news came in the time span of two days. The weekend after that, I t

ook a few hours to be alone and pray. I hiked a short distance, laid on a giant boulder overlooking a valley, and just prayed. What I expected to be a long and arduous time of thought and prayer, wrought with wrestling and uncertainty, was surprisingly light. There was an easy peace about it. My problems became small and God said to me “Your baby is healed.”

I literally responded “That’s it?”

“Yes. Your baby is healed.”

“But, how do I know this is you?”

“Because you’ve walked with me for a long time, and you know my voice”

“So that’s it?”


“Well, OK then.” Perplexed, I simply got up and went home. Relieved, amazed, and quite frankly with the same kind of feeling that I used to get when I planned to watch a long, epic, and rugged heavyweight boxing match, only to have Mike Tyson knock some dude out in the first round. It was too easy. It couldn’t have been that easy.

“For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” For the last 5 weeks, I’ve mostly rested in the simple message from my God, though often wondering if I imagined it, or if it was real, if I misunderstood, misheard, or a myriad of other reasons why that couldn’t have been true.

It was true. My confidence in my God allowed me to share the news with 2 close friends in the days after that encounter with God in which my heavy burden was like I asked him for a quarter and he said ‘sure’ in passing. My lack of faith limited my sharing to only that small circle. As Deb and I walked out of the Ultrasound and both looked at each other with joyful and watery eyes, I told her “I need to tell you a story.”

It took me at least 5 minutes to get it out of my mouth from the tears that flowed pretty good from a guy who doesn’t often cry. They flowed because of the joy of a healthy baby. They flowed because God answers prayers. They flowed because God listened and spoke to me. Who am I? Our God is SO FAITHFUL. Our God is SO GOOD. We found out today that God had shared the same message with Jen, a good friend and wife of our pastor, a few days after He shared His promise with me as our ‘life’ group was praying for us and our baby.

We are so thankful for a God who listens. We are so thankful for each of you who have been faithful and kind in your prayers for us. Quite simply, we’re overwhelmed and at peace all at once. We’re amazed and can’t wait to see what God is going to do next.”

This is why we pray. This is why I write this weekly letter Miracles do not always come when we pray but they do sometimes. Keep praying everyone. No telling what God is going to do next. Love you all so much in Christ.


Jay Grant is Pastor of Prayer and Shepherding at Networks Church in Laguna Beach, California


  1. All I have to say is praise almighty god,praise the living god,praise the most high god for being true to his word.He said in Jeremiah Chapter33Verse 3″Call unto me and I will answer thee and show the great and mighty things that thou knowest not.”

  2. Yes God is Good all the time , i can say this with confidence because of what he has done for me .I have been married for 5 years without an issue my husband left me for another woman for 1 year but all this while i was going thru these trials ,the lord kept saying i should hold on and trust him which i did by his grace. Today my husband is back home and the lord has blessed us with the fruit of the womb.pls uplift me in prayers to carry these grate miracle till the end.

  3. I need blessing from you pastor Jay for a child in my womb I waiting patiently 15 yrs to have one have fibroids in my ovary and egg quality for me is not that good .
    bless me for 1 child veena

  4. Hi my name is Annessa. I am 35weeks pregnant and recently found out that there is a birth defect in my baby. The ultrosound says it is a cleft lip. I wanted a second option so I took another and they said everything was good but I have alot of fluidin my belly. My doctors say the both ultrodound and are still preparing me incase my baby is born with a defect cause they say it look like I developed diabites while pregnant and a defect can also be the reason for alot of fluid. I am asking you to please pray for me to have a healthy baby with no birth defects..and for my planned c section surgery to go good. After reading the above story I have hope. Thank you

  5. Hi Pastor! I have conceived after 4 1/2 years and I would like to request prayers for my little boy who is still growing in my womb 21weeks. Doctors have said that he has cysts in his enlarged kidneys and they may fail before he is even born. But I dont trust them because I know that god has the final say. He is still knitting my baby in my womb and his work is not finished. Ill b going for another scan on the 15th this month and I know god would hav started his healing. Im not going to give up on my son and neither am I going to lose my trust in god. Amen! Thank u so much for ur prayers!!! Believer Ambiga

  6. Hiiii Pastor. Me and my husband have been praying for a baby. We’ve been together for 6 years, had 2 miscarriages. All we pray for is to be blessed with a child or children’s and have a healthy pregnancy when the time comes. It has been such a stressful situation for the both of us. Thank You and please Pray for Us. God is Great!!!!

  7. Hi please can you pray for me? I have been told there are a lot of serious defects with my unborn baby and that he will not survive once he is born. Termination in not an option for me and I just want God to heal my baby. I’m so scared. I have my faith but I feel scared.

  8. Please pray for me… I am 29 weeks pregnant a future ultrasound I took showed that my daughter had fluid on her brain and around her heart with club feet. I went to a heart specialist and thanks to god the fluid by her heart was all gone. They made me take an amniocentesis test and it came back positive. I go back to the Dr Tuesday please help pray with me that the fluid by her brain can be gone to. Help me with the results from the test that she doesn’t have a really bad genetic disorder. I need a miracle. I need all the prayer I can get…

    • Hi, Adriona,
      Just wondering how you and your baby are going? What country do you live in and do
      you have support? Please remember God never gives you what you cannot handle. Put your
      trust in Him. As a follower of Christ, we are all called to walk the Calvary Road. Therefore, we know the road isn’t always easy. We are called to be faithful and put our trust completely in Him
      no matter what the outcome is. If we can do anything to help and support you please contact us.
      Blessings Robyn

  9. please pray for my baby that’s not even born yet but the doctors say they are really sure is a miscarriage but I have faith and yes I do believe in miracles

    • Hi Rose Marie,

      Just want to know why the doctors are saying you are having a miscarriage?
      Are you bleeding heavily, with cramping, headaches and so forth????
      How many weeks pregnant are you? Have you had an ultra sound? God does answer prayer.
      I have witnessed it many times with the pregnant women we come in contact with. Also
      with my own daughter who was told to abort her child because it had cystic fibrosis. The child
      was born perfectly healthy. But let me tell you it was a huge fight with hospital doctors and staff
      to not abort the baby. So stand strong in Christ. Blessings Robyn

  10. Please pray for my daughter, Elizabeth. I am 27 weeks pregnant and she has many severe birth defects and they don’t expect her to live. God has already performed one miracle with her- I had NO amniotic fluid and multiple ultrasounds confirmed this. I found out on Monday at our latest ultrasound that there is a normal amount of fluid! Praise The Lord! Please pray for my baby’s complete healing- her spine, heart, lungs, feet and organs outside the body all need healing. All things are possible with Him!

  11. Hi my name is Jennifer. I have prayed for a second child for over a year and God heard the cries of my heart and let me conceive. I am of advanced material age by medical standards and have been told by dr through testing that my baby has a chromosomal defeat and problems with her brain and heart. I believe God heals and nothing is impossible for God. I claim her healing by his stripes. I put my faith in God not man. I believe God hears the cries of a mothers heart. Please pray for healing of my baby. Thank you

  12. Please pray for my daughter and her baby Audrey in her womb. The ultrasound came out and they sent her to specialist dr to tell her that my granddaughter has congenital heart defect. That if she does nit get it fixed, she might only live until 4-5 years and even if she lives with surgery done she will only last until her teen agent. My daughter is devastated of course, but I believe in God’s miracle! Please help us pray for my daughter and my granddaughter that her heart gets healed before she meets her mom.

  13. This article has been so inspiring to me. I’m 22 years old, I was raised in the church and grew up hearing stories of healing. But about a month ago I went to the doctor for a physical and after the bloodwork I was given the shocking news that I was pregnant. I was horrified. I felt fear mostly and embarrassment. What do I do? What will my family think of me? What will my friends say? This was the last thing i wanted for my life at 22 years old. I panicked. I called my good friend Marisa who tried to comfort me as I was driving from the doctors. My tears welled up so much the road was hard to see. When I arrived at her house her family lived on me and told me I would be a great mom and that this was going to be a blessing and a new page in my life. I didn’t want to hear any of it.
    When I left Marisa’s house I knew that I would have to make a decision. Cover my mistake with an abortion or take responsibility and keep this baby inside of me.
    My sister Amie, was the only person I felt most comfortable speaking to next. I went to her house and told her everything. Amie was about 9 months pregnant and was expecting her son, Stone any day. Amie and her husband Adam comforted me and asked what I wanted to do. “I don’t want this!” Is all I could get out in between sobs.
    I called an abortion clinic and scheduled an appointment. The next three days were torture. The guilt of my plan was eating me up. The fear of telling my mom, a volunteer for CareNet Rhode Island (a help center for expecting moms, and unexpected pregnancies- opposite of an abortion clinic) is what pushed me to stay silent. I cried myself to sleep every night like you wouldn’t believe.
    I took a ride to the beach to clear my head one day. I walked up to the shoreline and looked out. Suddenly the strangest sensation rushed through my body. Goosebumps from head to toe and I began to cry. The only way I can describe the feeling in words is that at the moment, I didn’t feel alone anymore. It wasn’t just me at the beach, feeling the chill of the breeze. My baby was there too. Little heart beating.
    I had to tell my mom. I called her and told her to meet me. We talked in my car and I broke down and told her everything. She was shocked. We cried. She held me right and told me she was proud of me for being courageous.
    I then had to tell my father and my two other siblings(since Amie was previously informed). It was not easy to see each of their faces when I told them. It was a shock to all at first but I was surrounded by support.
    A few days later I went for a first ultrasound. What I thought I was going to see was a little grey blob on the monitor. Instead we were surprised to see a whole baby curled up sucking his( yes HIS!) thumb. I burst into tears and panic because I was just informed that I was much farther along than I thought. 15 weeks and 5 days was the estimation given. So many thoughts went through my mind. I felt disgusted with myself. I had no idea all this time. I have been drinking not knowing anything. Even taking my birth control normally. I was once again shocked and overcome with emotion. Crying was all I could do.
    I dove into prenatal care instantly and spoke my my doctor about everything. He sent me to a specialist and my appointment was today. They were checking the anatomy of the baby to see if all was well. I was so happy as she went through the photos of the babies toes and fingers, all 10 little toes and 10 fingers. Arms and little legs were all perfect. I was smiling till the technician got to the skull. She got the doctor who told me that my baby had fluid in its brain that was building up and causing the front ventricles to enlarg about twice the normal size. I asked as many questions as I could to gain some understanding. Was it from drinking? No. Was it from the contraceptives? No. It was nothing I did or didn’t do he explained. The fluid was just not draining properly. I held back tears till he left the room. I cried so hard as my mom held me. We’re going to pray about it she said. You serve a big God Amanda. I’m scheduled for all these appointments now. Neurosurgeons and neonatal specialists. Once again shock. My heart is so heavy. More so than it has ever been in my life. God changed my heart about keeping this baby, surely he can heal him too. I am going to pray everyday for my baby and I hope that some of you who have read my story will say a prayer or two as well. For strength, faith, peace, and healing.

  14. Hello,

    I am asking for prayers and healing for our daughter and unborn granddaughter, at 20 weeks they were told there were many complications, and that they might consider termination. How shocked and angry they were for someone to tell them that. It is with God’s grace and mercy that they will make it through this time. I have witness one miracle, can a person witness two? Please pray for them.

  15. I have never posted like this and am somewhat apprehensive to relay my personal life, but need a true miracle desperately. At 12 weeks pregnant I went in for a first trimester screening. After looking at the ultrasound, the doctor expressed a need to skip screening and test for chromosomal abnormalities. She said there were several indicators of trisomy 18. We are currently awaiting the results as I am just now 13 weeks. This is not our first. In fact, it will be my fourth and my husbands sixth. This pregnancy was not planned. We thought we were done since I just gave birth to our baby girl 8 months ago. I have stressed about having such a large family and was just beginning to accept and become excited about this baby when we found out. I don’t know the results but have prepared for the worst. We are already heartbroken as we too saw the indicators the doctor expressed. It will take a true miracle to change all of the negative to positive. I can imagine that it would be any parents worst nightmare to experience the death of a child. We love God and know He is good, but I feel very little hope. I suppose my faith needs to be stronger…my husband’s is stronger or at least he is, but we are both very sad. We both wish we could hold our baby right now and tell them how much we love them and how very sorry we are. I am not sure of my purpose for this post other than the hope that someone else might say a prayer.

  16. My name is Joey , I had a miscarriage in early March this year and I’m pregnant again in late April . Last week during my 20w scan , my gyne told me that my baby has a cleft lips . I was so heartbroken because I’ve lost one baby earlier this year and this baby will be my strength after all the hard time . Her name is Elizabeth Alice and I’m so sad to know if she has to go through all the pain in the surgery later on . Please pray for my baby that her lips will be healed in the womb and be healthy when she is out . I’m really desperate for miracle to happen as I don’t know what else I can do . I can only pray hard . Thank you .

  17. Hi My name is Betty, Iam 16 wks preganant. Last week i went to scan and the doctor told me that my unborn baby has a distended bladder. I had a sleepless night that day. The following day i visited a Chinese Hospital and the doctor told me that be baby is abnormal. ie no interna organs and legs are not straight and has distended blandder and she has to be terminated Immediately otherwise it will impose danger on me.However when we visited the doctor who was supposed to terminate the fetal, we were told that he travelled to UAE.As if that was not enough, yesterday i visited a third doctor who scanned the baby and he did another scan this morning and annalsysed his scannies and the one from the other doctors. He concluded by saying yes he can see some fluids in the baby’s stomach. However i should come after one month and if the same reports appears, then he can terminate the baby.

    Please pray for my baby to be healed completely. Christ Jesus who healed many people a thousand years ago will and can heal my baby.I refused any attaks of the enemy in the name of Jesus name. The devil is a liar and he will not succeed in his evil plans. If i unknowingly wronged someone, please pray that God who surpuses every understanding forgives me. I believe in a miracle.

  18. Hi all.. i know we dont know one another but we are all family if we Praise God. I know its random but i am now 34 weeks preggies. At 24 weeks i found out my son has a bilateral cleft lip and palate. Since then i have been in prayer and gotten my family and church involved in prayer for my son now named ELI. I am due 5 november and i pray for a miracle. No doctor can heal my son as perfect as God can. I also ask for prayers please. We from South Africa.. i want to show our doctors how Awesome God is and i know He can do it!!!!

  19. Hi there, my name is pare or polly in English. I am currently 26weeks pregnant with my first child. 3 weeks ago I found out that my baby girl who we have named Avery has complex heart defect which is 2 holes in her heart, along with down syndrome and tracheo-oesophageal. I was given the option of termination which I quickly declined as that is and will never be an option, It is a very heartbreaking thing to hear that your baby won’t survive after birth. I pray that God hears my prayers and lays his healing hands upon my baby girl and gives my baby a chance to live the life she was destined to live. Please pray for my little gift and give her the strength to heal. Thank you god bless x

  20. My daughter’s unborn daughter was diagnosed with having fluid on the brain. Please Father, I pray to you to remove that fluid so my grand daughter can live a normal and health life. In your name I pray amen

  21. I am asking for prayer for my baby. I recently had a scan at 12 weeks pregnant and were told by doctors my baby has cystic hygromas and advised to terminate the pregnancy, because she will likely be born with a birth defect and/or chromosome abnormalities. My heart says no. My faith tells me God is going to work a miracle in my womb and this is going to be an opportunity for God to draw nonbelievers and receive all the praise. I’ve always felt she is a fighter and is determined to be here, even before finding out this bit of information. I’m asking for prayer in agreeing that God can and will heal my baby girl to where all of the cystic hygromas is gone, and that there isn’t any chromosome abnormalities nor birth defects, and that she will be a healthy baby girl with a normal, happy life. All these blessing I ask believing and receiving in the mighty, powerful name of Jesus. Amen

  22. hi in 2014 my pregnancy had terminated in 21 weeks because of problems in baby and chromosomal abnormalities.. i lost baby boy for which we all were waiting. now after 2 years am 19 weeks pregnant by God’s grace.. in another 15 days I have scanning for which am scared a lot thinking again baby will have same problems. pleeeeease pray for me to get full term healthy baby this time …… am badly in need pleeease…

  23. Dear Pastor Jay,

    Please pray for my baby, Jedidiah, and me. A scan last wek revealed that my baby has cleft lip. I feel very sad and I am praying that it will heal in the womb and that my baby will be born a healthy baby without defects and sicknesses. This is my first child. Please pray that all will be smooth and I can bring Jedidiah to full term. Thank you.

  24. Please pray with me I am 20 weeks pregnant and blood test results came that it’s high risk for chromosomal abnormalities. Iam waiting for results of amniocentesis test tomorrow.I believe God will intervene and test will be negative. Nothing is impossible with God!!!.

  25. Hi! I am 21 weeks pregnant and I was told on my fetal anomaly scan that there is no nasal bone. Absence of nasal bone is associated with having chromosomal abnormality of the baby. Please pray for my baby Bea that she will be born with the correct chromosomes and good health. Thank you.

  26. Hi Pastor! I am 8 month pregnant . And praying for a boy. Ultra sound reports are showing the opposite results. But i believe God is more powerful than all circumstances. He is the God of Impossibilities. Please pray for me. To be a mom of a baby boy is my deadly heart desire. And I am still praying for this. Pray for me. Thank you

    • Pastor please pray for me to have a baby girl. The doctor said the opposite. But who’s report shall I believe, only the report of the Lord that said He will give me the desire of my heart. Amen

  27. Hi pastor, I asked you last year to pray for.my.Little girl who had yet to.be born and was already fighting her life. My prayers were answered and.she survived after her birth in january. She is such a beautiful and happy baby girl and that’s why I need, or ask you to once again to pray for my baby. She is 4months old and fighting for her life again after having heart surgery to repair 2 holes in her tiny little heart. I pray that the Lord does miraculous things and reduces her pain and increases her healing, I ask that you pray that she is comfortable while she waits for our lords hands to embrace her to begin her healing process.
    Thank you.

  28. Please stand with me in prayer, Doctors have diagnosed baby with high probability of Down Syndrome. However, I have cancelled and rejected that diagnosis. I refused to take the CVS/Amnio… I am 38 weeks pregnant. I am 42 years old. I declare and believe God’s word “By His Stripes my baby is/ and are/ were healed.” In Jesus name. Please pray the same believing as well. I believe and receive that as soon. Thank you.

  29. Hi. I’m 12 weeks pregnant i went for an ultrasound for 12 weeks pregnant. I got the really bad news that my baby had a cysts behind his neck that is called cystic hygroma. I can’t sleep just thinking about this. No one wanted my baby to be born everyone wanted me to get an abortion. Its just makes me really sad that this is happening. I just ask that you can pray for my baby to be ok and that the cysts dissapears.

  30. I am 30 weeks pregnant with twins. My one baby is having ventricular septal defect. I am praying to God to bless me with a healthy healed child.. Please pray for my baby

  31. Hello. I have read and prayed for each person here…even though some messages are older. I am also asking for prayer for our unborn son. He has a rare genetic syndrome, cleft lip and possible palate. Lord, if it is your will, will you please be glorified in healing your child? We are 24 weeks. Thank you.

  32. Im a sinner, not worthy in God’s eyes, but im humbly asking God to bless my womb so i can get pregnant and deliver the baby in good health. Please i need your help to pray for us…thank you.

  33. I need all prayer warriors praying for us please. I’m 39 and have prayed for a healthy sibling for my 4 year old daughter. I’m an only child and desperately want a sibling for my child. This is my 6th pregnancy (I’ve had 4 miscarriages) so it’s been a tough road. A screening test (MaterniT21) came back as my baby having a 91% chance of having Down Syndrome. I just had a CVS done to double check and I’m praying that it comes back normal. God can do it!

  34. Please pray for us; we just received news at 16 weeks that our baby has a major heart defect (tricuspid and pulmonary atresia) and we were given the option of termination but as believers we are holding on to his word for healing, but we are weak to the reality as we are young parents.

  35. Hi there all I’m a young mother who truly believes in God and miracles. I recently went for a scan at 21 weeks and received the worst news that my unborn baby has severe brain damage and that he will be born blind, deaf and disabled and was advised to abort. I prayed and believe that God will heal my baby but peopl around me lack that faith and support the abortion option and that negativity is reducing my faith. Please pray for me to stay strong and not lose faith and for my baby to be strong and healed. Thank you

  36. Please pray for my sister inlaw. The doctor just gave us bad teport concerning her unborn child. We are asking for the of the lord concerning this situation that the baby should be delivered without no defects.
    We all are believers and no there is nothing the lord cannot do.

    Her name is Kemisola

  37. Please pray for my family and I and mostly importantly my unborn baby girl. I’m 27 weeks pregnant and found out my baby girl has complex heart abnormalities. I have an ultrasound in December and I’m hoping and praying that I go in and her heart will be healed.

  38. I’m 20 weeks pregnant with 2 boys. This pregnancy came as a surprise as we’re newly married, money is tight and we were having marital issues when we found out. This is my first pregnancy and i was surprised I got pregnant this quickly as there are complications with my cervix but God blessed us with these precious baby boys. Now the doctors are seeing a lympathic malfunction with one of the babies and they don’t believe he’ll make it. He has severe cysts on his chest and arms and they believe his right arm might be deformed. They’re concerned his health may affect the other baby and they’ve proposed terminating his life if it comes to that but that is not an option for us. He’s so strong and I can feel them both kicking at each other 🙂 Please pray for God’s miraculous hand to work on him, to heal him and to sustain the other baby as well. I’m trying to keep it together but my heart is so full. I’m still keeping the faith, each and every day so please keep the faith with me. God is still a God of miracles and I trust and believe that!

  39. Please pray for my unborn son. I just found out on Thursday its a boy (I only have a boy name picked out which is Brockton)! This is my first pregnancy and its been a roller coaster of a ride to say the least. I am trying to stay strong for both me and my son and know that God is the ultimate physician. I have a lot of people praying for me and my child. The doctors notified me that some things were abnormal and sent me to the perinatal center where they would be able to see a little more what was going on. April 27th at 11am was my appt with the specialist. This appt was very disappointing/disheartening. What they are saying is that my baby’s skull is not formed so the head is floppy, there is a lot of fluid in the brain and the brain is not the size it should be as well as that my baby has a hernia where most of the organs are growing into (heart and a few other things are in place). The other thing they said is that cant really tell if his face is forming correctly. Its so hard to see anything in the ultrasound. He has a strong heart beat every time I go. My doc has talked to me numerous times about abortion and what I thought. I told him I would not abort and that whatever is meant to be will be. I am not going to take my child’s life when I know he has a heart beat and I saw his mouth move at my last ultrasound. They said its not likely that my child will live until birth and there are many different options I have when the heart beat stops to deliver this baby. The specialist said if it does make it to birth it will not live long and have many issues. I just need lots of prayer to keep my faith up and to know that things will be OK. I get peace at times then others I just cry. My boyfriend whom I am with is not christian and so he is not supporting me and said God did this to me which I know is not true. I am christian and believe anything is possible with and thru God! My boyfriend wants me to get an abortion and is very upset and says why would you bring a child in the world like this. Says I’m selfish and a horrible person. I know hes mad but still shouldn’t say these things to me. Please pray for me, my baby boy and that my boyfriend will come to the Lord! How awesome would it be to prove all these people who says all these things wrong and open there eyes that there is a GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! AMEN!

  40. My little 6week Desiree needs a miracle since the doctors diagnosed her with a heart defect.She has been scheduled for a surgery and the doctors say she needs to gain 6kg before it can be possible. She does not drink so much and losing weight.
    I need a medical miracle healing for her because I know God’s love is greater than any sickness. I want the report of God to prove men wrong about her health.
    Than you

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