A sorcerer surprised when his wife healed by Jesus


By Gospel for Asia —

A sorcerer in India
A sorcerer in India

At only seven years old, Hemendra was abducted by an elderly sorcerer and taken to the jungle without any contact with his family or village. Hemendra’s parents searched for him without success. During his week-long abduction, he was given worms to eat and he learned the mantras and tricks of sorcery before he was allowed to return to his parents.

When Hemendra went home, he had supernatural abilities never experienced before. His mantras were powerful, releasing people from sickness and bondage to evil spirits, although it was evil spirits that had given him his newfound skills.

As Hemendra got older and grew in his ability to heal and perform magic, his fame as a sorcerer spread across neighboring villages. Sick men and women traveled to him, trusting him to heal them of their minor ailments and severe illnesses. As an adult, Hemendra earned enough money from practicing sorcery to fully support himself and his wife Rani.

For many years, Hemendra and Rani lived a life of ease with their four children. But as the couple aged, Rani’s health started to deteriorate. She suffered severe stomach pains and headaches. She did not want to eat anything. Hemendra tried everything he knew to heal her but but it was to no avail.

Other sorcerers attempted their magic on her without seeing results. Hemendra took Rani to the hospital many times. Nothing relieved her suffering. For a man who had always been so powerful, Hemendra was not able to do anything for his wife. For the first time since he had started practicing sorcery as a child, Hemendra was completely helpless.

When Hemendra could not heal his wife with the magic he’d practiced for so long, he turned to other sorcerers as well as medical professionals, but none of these attempts helped his wife

Seeing his wife in her helpless state destroyed any sense of peace Hemendra had ever experienced in his heart. He thought about his Christian neighbors who seemed to live a peaceful life. He had seen their pastor pray for sick family members several times and then watched them get better. As a desperate final attempt, Hemendra asked his neighbors to pray for her.

Hemendra’s Christian neighbors gladly prayed for Rani. They asked their friends at church and their pastor, Madesh, to lift Rani up to the Lord as well. Pastor Madesh prayed continually for Rani.

To Hemendra’s great surprise, God started to heal Rani. He watched with his own eyes as her health slowly improved.

Pastor Continues to Pray and Share from God’s Word

Hemendra could not deny Jesus’ power over his wife’s body. He and his grown children understood Rani’s desire to follow Jesus after she was healed, but none of them joined her in that decision. Even after Rani was healthy, Pastor Madesh continued to regularly visit her and Hemendra. Every time he came, Pastor Madesh prayed and shared more of the Bible with them.

Although he would sometimes join his wife in their home for prayer meetings with the pastor and believers if he did not have work to do, Hemendra’s heart resisted the words and prayers of Pastor Madesh.

Sorcerer Finds Freedom in the Power of God

After two years of hearing truth from the Bible and seeing how Pastor Madesh and the church members live out the things they believed by truly loving one another, Hemendra began to soften to the Good News of Jesus.

Finally the love of God and the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross made sense to Hemendra. The Lord’s kindness brought him to repentance, and he was born again when he put his faith and trust in Jesus as his Savior and Lord. At that moment, God changed his heart, and he no longer had any desire to worship evil spirits or call on them for help.

Pastor Madesh and Hemendra’s new family of believers helped him empty his home of anything that had to do with sorcery.

Hemendra no longer needs the power of magic; he and Rani have been transformed by the power of the living God.

Because of the faithful prayers of Pastor Madesh, a Gospel for Asia-supported national missionary, Hemendra and his family are growing in the Lord. – Gospel for Asia

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  1. I think in this age of instant,right-now everything,many in the Church have lost the sense of what it means to storm the Gates of Heaven,to not let Jesus go until He blesses us,to cry unto Amighty God day and night in intercessory,beseeching,prevailing prayer until Our Father moves Heaven and Earth on His children’s behalf.Thank God for faithful,persistent prayer warriors;I hope they’re praying for us here in the spiritual wasteland known as the U.S.A.!!

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