God: Just like ‘Old Faithful’


By Mark Ellis –

Old Faithful

If we are faithless, he always remains faithful. He cannot deny his own nature. (2 Timothy 2:13)

In Yellowstone National Park’s Upper Geyser Basin a fountain of faithfulness leaps over 150 feet into the air with surprisingly regularity, shooting upward approximately every 90 minutes to the delight of visitors from around the world.

If one of those visitors was to wander away and miss the geyser’s eruption, then decide to return, the geyser wouldn’t refuse to erupt for them the next time. The geyser will erupt whether tourists wander away or not.

“God is, in the best sense of the word, like Old Faithful because His blessings are continually flowing,” notes Pastor Jon Courson, in his Application Commentary.

If one decides to wander off into the woods, that person will not enjoy the beautiful sight of the geyser’s eruption, not because the blessings aren’t there, but because that person has moved away.

“Once I realize I’m in the woods on some crazy excursion and return to the geyser of the goodness of God’s grace, I find that God is faithful still,” Courson writes.

Old Faithful is also like God in terms of cleansing power. In the late 1800s, Old Faithful was often used as a laundry. Soiled garments placed in the crater between eruptions were thoroughly cleansed when thousands of gallons of boiling water shot upward.

There is a fountain filled with blood,

Drawn from Immanuel’s veins,

And sinners plunged beneath that flood

Lose all their guilty stains…

The dying thief rejoiced to see

That fountain in His day;

And there have I, though vile as he,

Washed all my sins away. — William Cowper, “There is a Fountain”


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