Iran’s leadership believes Islamic messiah coming soon, ex-CIA spy reports


By Mark Ellis

Reza Khalili

As a member of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard he witnessed unspeakable torture that caused him to question his faith in Islam and Iran’s government. As an ex-CIA spy who escaped to the U.S., his knowledge of the mindset of Iran’s current leadership leaves him deeply troubled.

“Iran’s leaders believe they can facilitate the coming of the last Islamic messiah,” says Reza Khalili, a pseudonym taken by the ex-spy for safety reasons. “They believe the centuries old Hadith predicts this and that the time is close.”

This thinking pervades the highest levels of Iran’s leadership. “The Ayatollah Khamenei for the first time published in the Iranian papers that he thinks they must get ready for war,” Khalili notes.

“He has told close associates that he will be the one to pass the flag of Islam to Imam Mahdi, the Islamic messiah. Khamenei believes he is the one.”

Khalili saysIran’s leaders think there are only “two triggers” left before the return of their messiah. First, is the death of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. “Because of the current situation they are very excited, because he is very ill and has been on his deathbed several times.”

The ex-CIA spy personally translated a film authorized by the highest levels ofIran’s leadership, “The Coming is Upon Us.” The presenter in the film makes this claim:

“According to the Hadith, upon the death of a ruler named Abdullah, conflict and struggle for power will increase in Saudi Arabia and this will continue until the reappearance of the last messiah, Mahdi. Isn’t the presence of Abdullah, his illness, and his uncertain condition, great news for those anxious for The Coming? When Abdullah dies, the reappearance is guaranteed.”

The second trigger is the destruction of Israel. “They will attack Israel and we are allowing them to get the nuclear bomb,” Khalili warns.

“The first trigger is a sign that the second trigger needs to take place,” he notes. “Once King Abdullah dies, that will tell them the time is now.”

In audiences where Khalili addresses his concerns, some can’t believe Iran’s leaders could be so fanatical. “This is the danger of this regime, which the current U.S.administration is missing. Some people try to discredit me, thinking it’s crazy. That’s the core of the problem.”

One of the hadiths the Iranians believe has already been fulfilled relates to the rise of a black leader in the West, ruling the largest army on Earth.

According to the film previously cited, its presenter states: “This hadith, relating to Imam Ali, the prophet’s cousin and son-in-law and the most revered figure in Shi’ite Islam, says: ‘Before the return of Mahdi, a tall black man will rule the West and the largest army on Earth. He will carry a ‘clear sign’ from my son, Hussein Ibn Ali [the third Shi’ite imam].’  Shi’ites believe Barack Obama, with his middle name Hussein, is this man.”

Khalili’s intelligence reports the Iranians are attempting to arm their missiles with nuclear warheads, which still has not happened. “Ukraine, North Korea, and China are providing the re-entry vehicle for the missiles and they are working on the bomb,” he notes.

Once Iran has nuclear-tipped missiles and attacks Israel, Khalili says the Hadith predicts an apocalyptic scenario unfolding, in which one-third of the world population will die and the world economy collapses.

Most, but not all of Iran’ senior leadership believe in this prophetic picture. “Those who don’t believe it are there for the money, profiting from trading,” he says.


Kahlili teaches at the U.S. Department of Defense’s Joint Counterintelligence Training Academy (JCITA), is a senior fellow with EMPact America and a member of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security. He is the author of “A Time to Betray,” a book about his double life as a CIA agent in Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. “A Time to Betray” was the winner of the 2010 National Best Book Award, and the 2011 International Best Book Award. The book is set to become a movie.



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