Hard truths about global missions


By David Joannes withn-reachglobal-350

Missionaries generally want to share the breakthroughs and powerful testimonies with you. To be clear, there are amazing things happening in the world and there are pockets of revival around the world.

But I feel led to share with you some of the dark realities of global missions. Eugene Bach shared something similar in his recent, incredibly moving podcast from Back To Jerusalem, Episode 162: A Crisis In The Church—What You Are Not Being Told. As you listen, I’m sure you will be blown away with the hard reality of unreached and unengaged people groups.

Brace yourself for some of the dark realities of global missions. This may not be the news you were hoping to hear, but truth bombs propel us to compassion. We are not doing all we can to reach the remaining unreached people groups. Let’s spell it out a little bit more.

World’s population: 7 billion

33% are Christian (World C)

38% has access but have chosen not to follow Jesus (World B)

29% have never heard of Jesus and have no access to the Gospel (World A). They have no Bibles, no churches, and no believers nearby.

What?! It’s the 21st century and they still haven’t heard the Gospel message? Yes. Keep learning…

Only 1 out of every 1,800 Christians decide to serve as a cross-cultural missionary. Total cross-cultural missionary task force: 400,000.

72% of these missionaries for to World C—those who already claim a Christian heritage

25% are sent to World B—where there is already access to the Gospel.

3% are sent to World A—to the unreached world, 29% of the world’s population!

These numbers do not add up. Or in the very least, they reveal our lack of concern and priority for those who have never heard of Jesus before.

Want to learn about the incredible mismanagement of finances when it comes to global missions? You can read more at There’s A Bunch Of People Who Have Never Heard Of Jesus And Chances Are You Don’t Care and These Statistics Are So Shocking That I Couldn’t Help But Write About It.

Something has to change. We need a new catalyst, a new paradigm, a radical compassion to spark in our hearts for the unreached world

After watching this video and listening to this podcast, let me give you a good first step to helping change these realities. I encourage you to find what God is doing and join Him there. Remember those who have no voice and have never heard the Gospel. Start with Within Reach Global. Read through recent blogs and see that God is at work among the least reached. Then join our Monthly Prayer and Financial Support Team as vision partner, and let’s make a difference together.

Don’t be overcome by the “out of sight, out of mind” syndrome. God sees these precious ones and loves them immensely. Will you allow your heart to be broken with the things that break the heart of God and bring the Gospel message to those who have never heard before?


David Joannes is president of Within Reach Global. To learn more about their ministry, go here