Giving Glory to Our Father in Heaven


GloryBy Carol Round“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven”—Matthew 5:16 (ESV).

I was having difficulty locating the product I wanted while shopping at a local home improvement store. The item was on sale and the sale ended that day. As I sought help from a store associate, I became frustrated. The big box store was closing in an hour. I was tired. All I wanted was to find the item, check out, and go home.

I’d had a long day. I wasn’t in a good mood. Three trips to the courtesy desk to seek help didn’t help my mood because the associate in charge of the section I was shopping in couldn’t be located. Finally, I approached an employee in a different section of the store. He was gracious and helpful.

After he located the item for me, I thanked him. Then, I noticed the cross hanging around his neck. When I commented on his cross, the young man replied,  “I just accepted Jesus as my Savior and Lord two months ago. I give Him all the glory because He saved my life.”

Giving God the Glory

As the young man and I visited, he shared the experience. While having a seizure at school, he stopped breathing.  Emergency personnel were called to resuscitate him.

“I know God saved me,” he said. “While I was having the seizure, I felt a holy presence and a bright light surrounding me.”

We continued discussing his “holy experience.” I also shared my own experience of almost dying when I was 17 years old and a high school senior, the same as this young man. He said, “I don’t believe in coincidences. I believe God put you in my path today.”

When Paths Cross

I needed the “God encounter” that evening. My life has been overly busy with family commitments and other events for months. Ongoing health issues weren’t helping. Severe weather in our state, including multiple tornado warnings, robbed me of sleep.

A lack of sleep and busyness led to my negative thoughts. I was tired and joy was no longer a part of my vocabulary. Getting behind the wheel of my vehicle and dealing with drivers who were ignoring the rules of the road added to my negativity.

My negativity led to unholy language whenever I encountered a stressful situation on the road. If a passenger in my vehicle were to listen to my language, I wouldn’t have been a witness to God’s glory.  Realizing the stress I was experiencing wasn’t good for me, I called out to Jesus. “Help me, Jesus. Give me your joy and your peace.”

Finding Joy and Peace

A recent meme on social media reminded me I’d been complaining too much. Impatience with others, especially distracted drivers, was causing me to lose my joy.

The meme reminded me to “count it all as joy.” It’s often difficult when you’re facing challenges. The meme read, “Philippians is known as the happiest book in the Bible. Yet, it was written in prison. Moral of the story: Don’t let circumstances steal your joy” (Author unknown).

Paul reminds us in Philippians 4:4 to “always be filled with joy in the Lord. I will say it again. Be filled with joy” (ERV). When we’re joyful, our light shines and brings glory to God.

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Photo credit: Guilherme Stecanella on Unsplash