Asbury University revival spreads worldwide


By Steve Rees —

The Asbury University revival has now spread to at least 31 locations worldwide.

Dr. Jim Garlow, a pastor, best-selling author, historian and commentator who has spoken and written about the Asbury awakening since it began February 8th, believes an official list of places experiencing revival – when compiled – will include hundreds of locations.

Revival hot spots include six locations in Kentucky, and places as far away from where the outpouring began as Maine, Minnesota and Michigan, with awakenings almost coast to coast, Garlow posted on his Facebook page.

Nations on Garlow’s informal tally of Holy Spirit outpourings include Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Brazil, Australia, and Africa.

In another Asbury update, Garlow writes that revival has hit Uganda.

A ministry leader who traveled to Uganda before the revival began at Asbury says there are similarities between the move of God in Kentucky and what the Holy Spirit is doing in the western part of the African nation.

Scott Curry says his ministry, Real Christian Life, had 200 people in Uganda pray for salvation, at least 300 healings, and demons leaving people who put their faith in Jesus for the first time.

“People who were unable to walk, getting up and walking. People with birth defects in pregnancy who went for an ultrasound that confirmed the babies 100 percent normal,” says Curry, whose ministry is based in Colorado Springs.

One man was raised to life from death, says Curry, who is sharing video of people enjoying the Kingdom of God – righteousness, joy and peace in the Holy Spirit.

“This is one of the most amazing outpourings of God’s love I have ever seen. Revival broke out because God’s love came to the people of Uganda. It was absolutely amazing,” Curry says.

Whether revival, awakening or both at Asbury – Curry says it doesn’t matter the term – it’s God’s love poured out during chapel that’s marked people forever.

“This is exactly what we experienced in Uganda as well. Churches worshiped God for days on end. Everywhere I went people were full of love and joy. They broke out in dance, song and joy, praising God for miracles, healing, and salvation,” Curry says.

News of an American Christian’s arrival in Uganda prompted villagers to carry a crippled woman to a church where she laid for two days before Curry arrived.

“When I prayed for her, she was healed. She is now walking and jumping up and down praising God, telling everyone what Jesus did for her,” Curry says.

Another woman was healed of swelling and pain in her arms and legs after receiving prayer from Curry.

A pregnant woman with conjoined twins in her womb received prayer from Curry at a church service and, after going to her doctor, x-rays revealed the mother’s healthy twins had separated from each other.

“I also saw demons cast out of a witch doctor who got saved and denounced witchcraft,” says Curry.

His ministry, with support from Zeal Church and others in the U.S., provided funds to purchase food and school books for 45 children living at a care home in Jinja, Uganda.

Catholics, evangelicals, Anglicans, Muslims and government officials were healed in Jesus’ name, according to Curry, who visited 20 churches, some schools, and a care home for orphaned children.

The ministry bought land for one church, paid rents for two others, and funded the construction of a fourth-grade school building. “There are needs for land and funds to build churches,” he says.

In Garlow’s Facebook post about Uganda, he reports the revival has spread throughout the African country. “From the four corners of this nation, God is setting this place on fire with His presence,” according to Garlow’s friend David Guinn, who reports 1,000 people were saved in one week.

“Now is the hour for Uganda,” Garlow’s post reads.

To learn more about some of the Holy Spirit’s activity in Uganda, watch here: (89) Revival Spreading to Uganda – Revival in Asbury – 2023 – YouTube


  1. Thank you, GB, for the update. Though not the where from, you and I know full well that a Mighty Holy Ghost revival is surely coming to Ethiopia. And also, that it’s coming here to stay and to spread further wider. Would to God that this ancient land and it’s peoples be refreshed and renewed, with all of Yahweh’s Truths restored, and girded for the Second Coming of Jesus, The Christ.

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