The story of Kamal and a beggar named Lazarus


One day a beggar named Lazarus came to Kamal’s neighborhood in India. Lazarus was an

A beggar named Lazarus

itinerant man from a low caste; his people survive by begging. Lazarus slept outside Kamal’s house one night.

Kamal despised the idea of Lazarus sleeping outside his home, but since the poor beggar had so little and it was raining, he took pity and brought him an old blanket, according to a report by Global Disciples.

Lazarus asked if he could talk to Kamal. Kamal nodded and Lazarus proceeded to share about Jesus and gave him a Bible!

In disgust, Kamal burned the Bible. But he endured a fitful night with little sleep, and when he awakened, he suddenly had the desire to learn more about the Bible. There were no Christians in his area, but he heard about Christians in a distant city – three days journey by train.

Kamal decided to travel there. When he reached his destination, something remarkable happened. He bumped into Lazarus on the street! They talked and eventually Kamal found some Christians who taught him about the Word of God.

Moved by the power of the Word and the Spirit, he surrendered his life to Jesus of Nazareth as his Savior and Lord.

Growing in faith, Kamal now brings others to Christ in his home area. He directs a discipleship-mission training program he launched with the help of Global Disciples. In the first year, he trained 21 people.

“All of them are now pastors,” he exclaims. “We have started 52 churches in our district. In the first outreach we baptized 151 people.”

Even more amazing perhaps, Kamal now supports Lazarus and the former beggar leads a church among his own people.


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*names changed