Military confiscated oxygen tanks, people died from Covid by the side of the road


By Mark Ellis —

Military on the streets of Yangon in late February (EPA)

Since February 1st, when a military coup d’état overthrew the civilian government in Myanmar and arrested Aung San Suu Kyi, more than 900 people have been killed by security forces, with thousands arrested or displaced, and clashes continuing throughout the country.

Christian missionaries who decided to stay and minister have faced many difficulties.  “There have been some challenging times, I won’t lie,” Sister Teresa* told God Reports. “We are still hearing of night raids from Burmese military near our home. (We hear) gunfire and bombs exploding.

“Women (are) being captured and sent to jail where they are tortured and raped until death. (We are) having real challenges receiving money in Myanmar in order to buy food and other daily living necessities.”

Despite the challenging circumstances, Sister Teresa expresses gratitude to God. “But in all these situations God has proven faithful!! We are all safe! Food and other necessities are being received through local church planters to people starving! For these things we praise the Lord!”

She says many foreigners fled the country due to the instability and trauma faced by their families.

Sister Teresa and her husband are part of a house church that is meeting virtually.

Recently they have been praying with their landlord, a divorced woman with children. “Her life is ruled by fear. Fear of soldiers, fear of getting Covid and other things. God has opened the door for us to encourage her from the Word regarding her position in Christ,” Sister Teresa said.

Myanmar is in the midst of its third wave of Covid 19 and it seems to be the most severe. One student she knows got it from caring for a pastor and four days ago the pastor died from Covid.

“Before this wave hit, the Burmese military confiscated 75% of the oxygen tanks available in Myanmar. So when Covid hit this time there has not been enough oxygen available and in Yangon (the largest city in Myanmar) alone over 1,000 people are dying daily. Some people are risking getting shot because they are searching for oxygen tanks after the 8 pm martial law curfew. It is really a mess.

“People have died on the side of the road, while riding their motorbikes to find oxygen. Our family has only gone out for necessities like food twice a week, otherwise we are staying home.”


Prayer Requests: Pray for unity among the 35 different people groups in Myanmar so that the fighting can stop and the truly elected government can come into power. Pray for justice to come so that the Burmese military will stop killing the people it was meant to protect! Pray for this wave of Covid to finish quickly so that life can resume as normal and that people would self- isolate to prevent further spreading.

To learn more about the conflict, click here

*name changed for security reasons


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