Ovarian cysts kept her from having a baby, then God intervened


polycystic ovarian syndromeBy Stephen Lahood —

Polycystic ovarian syndrome kept Renelle Roberts from her dream of becoming a mother and having babies.

“We tried fertility treatments. That didn’t work,” she says on a CBN video. “We tried adoption. That didn’t work. We tried foster care. That didn’t work.

“What’s going on?” she questioned. “There were days that I couldn’t even go to work because I was in bed just crying: Why can’t I have a child? What is wrong with me? Please help me. Please cure me.”

Renelle Roberts and family

When Renelle hit the milestone of 30 years of age, she had plenty to ponder. On the one hand, her patience was growing thin with the wait. On the other, she recognized that possibly she was making having children into an idol.

“I told the Lord, ‘I want 30 to be my best year,’” she remembers. “I really had to submit though, whether I had children or not, because it had become an idol. Children are wonderful; they are a blessing. But for me it had become an obsession. That can get unbalanced.”

Renelle fasted and pledged to fast for as long as it took. Meanwhile, she got into some Bible studies that emphasized faith and believing.

In January, she turned 30. In March, she found out she was pregnant.

“We got pregnant naturally — supernaturally,” she says. She means that no scientific means were being used to improve chances of a pregnancy at that time. “God just gave us the desires of our heart.”

When she submitted to an ultrasound, she asked the technician to check, just out of curiosity, her ovaries. Were the cysts still there?

“What cysts?” the technician said. “We don’t see any.”

“God just gave us the desires of our heart,” Renelle says. “God does hear us and love us, and He’s the giver of good gifts.”



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Stephen Lahood studies at the Lighthouse Christian Academy on the border of West Los Angeles.


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