Tortured for his faith, he prayed for his enemies


By Tapan –

I am 45 years old and not too long ago I was the only Christian in my village. Because to this, everyone was against me. They blocked my access to water and would not sell to me from our local market. When this did not stop me from worshipping Jesus, they began to threaten my life. Still, I refused to forsake the Lord so they began torturing me.

However, I started praying for my neighbors, asking the Lord to change their hearts. As time passed, slowly my neighbors began to allow me to have access to our local water well and they began to sell me food from our market.

My communication with my neighbors improved so much that I started sharing the gospel with several of them. Praise the Lord that many have repented and turned to Jesus. Everything is very stable for me now within my village. Please join me in praying for every person in my village and the surrounding area to respond to the gospel.


If you want to know more about a personal relationship with God, go here

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  1. God bless you. You are very wise allowing comments so freely. “Slow to speak, swift to hear, slow to wrath” is God’s command and you are obeying it. You’re also doing a wonderful work. May God “fulfill every good resolve and work of faith by His power.” as the Bible says.

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