Pollster & prophets predicting Trump win


By Mark Ellis —

Pollster Robert Cahaly

Robert Cahaly, chief pollster at Trafalgar Group, is a lonely voice among pollsters. In 2016, he accurately predicted a Trump win, using a proprietary polling methodology that accounts for what he calls “social desirability bias.”

This year he’s also predicting a Trump win, based on his conviction that there are many “shy Trump voters” who will not tell a stranger over the phone they are voting for Donald Trump, because he’s so often portrayed overwhelmingly in the media as an atrocious human being that no person in their right mind could vote for.

The firm’s polls last one to two minutes and are aimed at rapidly getting opinions from those who would not typically participate in political polls.

Cahaly told Fox’s Laura Ingraham the galloping herd of pollsters did not learn anything from their mistakes in 2016. “They don’t understand the way average people think and they don’t know how to poll average people,” he told Ingraham October 29th.

“I am an outlier and I have no problem with that because I don’t want to be part of their herd. Their herd is wrong. They were wrong last time and they will be wrong again,” he said.

Trafalgar’s latest poll shows Trump maintaining a lead in Florida (47.8% to 45.7%) and narrowly behind in Nevada, within the margin of error (Biden 47.6% to Trump 45.2%).

Cahaly is watching the Black vote, Hispanics, and the youth vote starting to move in Trump’s direction. “The Hispanic vote in both states (Florida and Nevada) is 41% for Trump and the Black vote is 20% in Nevada and 27% in Florida,” he reported.

He said the reason young people are moving toward the president is they are worried about lockdowns. “There is a lockdown candidate and a let’s get back to business candidate.”

Unusual prophecy

In 2007 – long before anyone could have imagined a Trump presidency — Kim Clement

Kim Clement

uttered a striking prophecy that the New York billionaire would become president.

“’Trump shall become a trumpet,’ says the Lord,” Clement exclaimed at Bethel Church in Redding, California on November 4, 2007. “’I will raise up the Trump to become a trumpet and Bill Gates to open up the gate of a financial realm for the church,’ says the Lord.”

Clement said Trump would enter the presidency as a nominal believer, but would be transformed by the Holy Spirit into a much bolder witness for the faith. “It shall come to pass that the man that I place in the highest office shall go in whispering my name. But God said when he enters into the office, he will be shouting out by the power of the Spirit.

“For I shall fill him with my Spirit when he goes into office and there will be a praying man in the highest seat in your land.”

In a similar prophecy Clement delivered February 10, 2007, he indicated this future president would win a second term. “Listen to the word of the Lord, God says, ‘I will put at your helm for two terms a president who will pray, but he will not be a praying president when he starts.’

“’I will put him in office and then I will baptize him with the Holy Spirit and my power, says the Lord of Hosts. There will be a praying president, not a religious one. For I will fool the people, says the Lord. I will fool the people, yes I will.’”

To what extent voters were fooled by the new president was unexplained. Clement died a few days after Donald Trump’s election as president.

President Trump’s fiery temperament is often criticized by his critics. Clement said, “God says the one that is chosen shall go in and they shall say, ‘He has hot blood.’”

“For the Spirit of God says, ‘Yes, he may have hot blood, but he will bring the walls of protection on this country in a greater way and the economy of the country shall change rapidly,’ says the Lord of Hosts.”

Another prophetic voice declaring Trump win

Pastor Jeremiah Johnson planted Heart of the Father Ministry in Lakeland, Florida. On October 20th, he shared what seemed like “a bizarre prophetic dream” to Lou Engle, founder of The Call. A week later, Johnson posted to Facebook about their exchange.

Pastor Jeremiah Johnson and his family

In the dream, he handed Engle two tickets to the L.A. Dodgers World Series game and told him God had a special message for him.

When Johnson woke up, he immediately got on the Internet to see where the World Series was being played. To his surprise, he saw it was being played in Texas at Globe LIFE Stadium, which he thought was significant.

Three Events Johnson Prophesied:

  1. The L.A. Dodgers would win the World Series. “This will confirm that God is not done with Los Angeles and the whole state of California,” Johnson posted on Facebook.

2. Amy Coney Barrett would be confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice. “This will confirm a new Esther and Deborah Era in America where righteous mothers will rise to confront the radical feminist movement that is married to Moloch, the god of abortion,” he declared.

3. Donald J. Trump will be re-elected. “This will confirm the spirit and power of Elijah is resting upon the Church and God is not done with America.”

“Two out of the three events have happened just this week,” he posted. The first on Monday (ACB confirmed) and the second on Tuesday (Dodgers win the World Series). Next Tuesday, November 3rd (Election Day) could confirm all three events in just over a week’s time (miraculous).

“Do you have faith to see and believe it?” he asked.

Loren Sandford, another prophetic voice, is also confident of the president’s re-election. “I believe the president will be reelected. And I believe he will be reelected by a wider margin than has been predicted or expected,” he told Larry Sparks at DestinyImage.tv on a video posted to YouTube October 30th.

Loren Sandford

“In December, before the coronavirus, the Lord gave me a vision of fires burning. I asked the Lord for understanding and I believe he told me the fires were symbolic of the rioting and looting that would be perpetrated by the radical Left in protests of the president’s reelection.

“It is an extension of that irrational, demonically inspired hatred that’s been growing on the Left.”

Sanford believes there will also be massive corruption exposed throughout the government during President Trump’s second term.


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  1. Obviously, all the so-called prophets were wrong (as are you, Jack) in predicting that Trump would win a second term, much less by a landslide. It is Nov. 9th and Biden is now our President. Lotsa false prophets out there.

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