Covid opens doors for gospel in Pakistan


In Pakistan’s southern Sindh province, a team of rural evangelists travel around the villages sharing stories from the life of Jesus. They typically spend the evening telling parables of Jesus when the laborers have finished their work in the fields. Did Covid-19 rob these evangelists of opportunities?

Covid-19 forced the farmers away from their fields but it did not stop the evangelists from spreading the gospel of life. In fact, villagers had far more time on their hands than they knew what to do with and gladly listened to the visiting preachers. We’ve just heard from our partner that recently 25 people have been baptized through this work and many more have believed and wait for the chance to be baptised.

In the same country, in the Punjab, there are families living and working in brick factories. Many are bonded laborers, effectively slaves through debt to the factory owner. When Covid-19 came, the government shutting down the nation’s schools resulting in new opportunities to reach children not in the classroom.

In 25 of these brick factories, about 450 children are now hearing the gospel. Soon the schools will reopen, but it is hoped these connections will serve as the foundation for establishing a basic form of education in each of the factories. These children will learn skills that can empower them to escape the cycle of poverty and servitude. And most of all, they will hear of the One who sets us truly free: Jesus! — AsiaLink


  1. Prayers are being answered and the love of Jesus Christ is permeating the brick factories and vegetable fields. May the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead fill the evangelists and new believers, so that many more neighbors, friends, relatives and leaders find courage and faith to respond to Christ as well. The LORD be praised! We serve an amazing God.

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