African American doctor treated 350 Covid patients, all were cured!


By Mark Ellis –

Dr. Stella Immanuel on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court July 27, 2020 (screenshot)

Dr. Stella Immanuel, 55, is a primary care physician in Houston, Texas. She is also a strong Christian who has elicited controversy for prescribing hydroxychloroquine for her patients.

On July 27th, she appeared with a group of other doctors on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court who are attempting to break through the “spider web of fear” and misinformation gripping the nation about Covid-19.

Dr. Immanuel’s speech at the “White Coat Summit,” with a group of physicians who call themselves America’s Frontline Doctors, was organized by the Tea Party Patriots. A video of their messages subsequently went viral on social media.

“I am here because I have personally treated over 350 patients with Covid, patients that have diabetes, patients that have high blood pressure, patients that have asthma, and old people,” said Dr. Immanuel. She has had patients in their eighties and one as old as 92.

She puts them on a treatment regimen that includes hydroxychloroquine, Zithromax (Azithromycin), and zinc. The results have been the same: “I have not lost one, not a diabetic, not somebody with high blood pressure, not somebody with asthma, not an old person. We have not lost one patient!” she declared.

“They are all well!”

Additionally, she placed herself and her staff on the regimen as a preventative. “We see 10 to 15 patients every day. None of us has gotten sick. It works,” she testified.

“I came here to Washington D.C. to say, ‘America, nobody needs to die!’”

Dr. Immanuel gets upset when she sees people walk into her clinic with difficulty breathing, gripped by fear, believing they will die. “I give them hope and tell them it’s okay; you’re going to live. We treat them and they live. None has died.”

Unfortunately, the pandemic struck during a national election, which politicized and polarized the national discourse. Additionally, billions are being spent on research by large pharmaceutical companies, which have much to lose if inexpensive treatments are found to be effective.

All of this infuriates Dr. Immanuel. “If some fake science, some person sponsored by all these fake pharma companies comes out and says, ‘We’ve done studies and we found out it doesn’t work,’ I can tell you categorically it is fake science. I want to know who is sponsoring that study. I want to know who is behind it. Because there is no way I can treat 350 patients and counting and nobody is dead. They all did better,” she noted.

“You’re going to tell me you treated 20 people or 40 people and it didn’t work?”

Dr. Immanuel has also drawn controversy by challenging the necessity of masks. Her staff wears surgical masks, but not N95 masks. “You don’t need masks. There is a cure,” she stated.

Some doctors have told Dr. Immanuel they want to see the results of a double-blind study of hydroxychloroquine before they will prescribe it. “We have radiologists, plastic surgeons, and neurosurgeons like Dr. Sanjay Gupta saying it doesn’t work and it causes heart disease.

“Let me ask Dr. Sanjay Gupta, ‘Have you ever seen a Covid patient? Have you ever treated anybody with hydroxychloroquine and they died from heart disease? When you do, come and talk to me.’”

She believes she has an ethical duty to prescribe what works. “I tell all of you doctors who are sitting down and watching Americans die, you are like the good Germans that watched Jews get killed and you didn’t speak up…You want a double-blind study when people are dying? It’s unethical.”

“I have gotten all kinds of threats. They say they are going to report me to the boards. I say I don’t care. I am not going to let Americans die. If this is the hill I get nailed on, I get nailed on it. I don’t care. You can report me to the boards. You can do whatever, but I’m not going to let Americans die.

“Today I am here to say, America, there is a cure for Covid. All this foolishness does not need to happen. There is a cure for Covid!”

Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter subsequently pulled down the video of the Frontline Doctors, claiming the video contained false and misleading information.

Dr. Immanuel responded vigorously to their censorship. “Hello Facebook put back my profile page and videos up or your computers with start crashing till you do,” she tweeted. “You are not bigger that God. I promise you. If my page is not back up Facebook will be down in Jesus name.”

She was born in Bali, Cameroon and received her medical degree in Nigeria in 1990. In November 1998, Immanuel started practicing as a pediatrician in Alexandria, Louisiana, and at the Rehoboth Medical Center in Houston since October 2019.

On her Facebook page, Immanuel refers to herself as a “Physician, Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Deliverance Minister, God’s battle axe and weapon of war.”

Seemingly fearless, she founded Firepower Ministries in Houston, and speaks with the force of an Old Testament prophet. The mainstream media has ridiculed her faith, especially her belief in supernatural warfare and the possibility that it may contribute to disease conditions.


  1. I was sent a link to the live video and happened to hear her speak with such authority and perception of the veil of deception over our nation. Her closing prayer resonated with my soul

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