Muslim woman bedridden for a year, healed by prayer in Jesus name


By Mark Ellis —

refugee baptized in Germany

An American missionary couple working with Ekballo Project answered God’s call to Berlin, Germany, and have been ministering to refugees from the Middle East.

They baptized a young man named Nizar who told them a story that demonstrates the power of Jesus name.

“My uncle’s wife, she couldn’t walk,” Nizar recounted to them. Due to a serious back problem, she was confined to her bed for a year and her weight swelled to 220 pounds.

“My uncle was really lost, he didn’t know what to do,” Nizar said. His uncle had little work and was facing the possibility of relocation to another city. Nizar says his uncle is one of the toughest people he knows. “He even has a tattoo on his body that says, ‘Don’t mess with me; I’ll kick your ass.’

“He didn’t have much money. He had to sell the things he had. It was a very hard time for him,” Nizar said.

A few months went by and his uncle decided to study the Quran and become more Islamic. But after spending several weeks in the Islamic scripture, he became disillusioned and said, “OK, let’s see another thing.”

So he began to converse with some of the Druze refugees about their faith. Their religion is considered a monotheistic Abrahamic religion, but it does not follow the Five Pillars of Islam. Their beliefs integrate features of Ismailism, Gnosticism, Neoplatonism and other philosophies.

The Druze call themselves “People of Unitarianism or Monotheism.” After the uncle searched for answers among the Druze he concluded, “OK, I have found nothing here. Let’s go to another place.”

Then he found a New Testament and started reading. “He read and read and read. After one week he was bored,” Nizar recounted.

One day Nizar’s uncle walked into the living room, set the New Testament down, and began to pour himself a drink of arak, an anise-flavored, distilled alcoholic beverage.

“He was an alcoholic,” Nizar noted. “When he was spiritual he left alcohol, but now he decided to go back.”

At the same time, his wife was in the other room in severe pain.

At this point, he was desperate for any kind of breakthrough and cried out to God.

“OK, (God), what do you want from me? I have been through all this. You know that deep in my heart, I love you. I know that deep in my heart that I am your child. Why am I suffering like this? Why do you let life hit me like this, break me like this?

“I was rich,” he lamented. “I had a lot of money. I had a lot of friends. What do I have now? I have a sick woman on the bed in the other room yelling all day for a year.”

The he was stunned by a response from above, a voice that said: Go to your wife and pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Put your hand on her back and she will be healed.

Startled, he put the drink down, jumped up, and rushed into her room.

“Come woman, don’t speak, turn,” he instructed with some urgency.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Turn around!”

He placed his hand on her back and prayed: “In the name of Jesus Christ…”

Suddenly his wife felt something like a piece of hot metal piercing her back. “What are you doing?” she cried out. She thought he was stabbing her.

But it was not a knife entering her back; it was the healing power of Jesus, the God who heals!

After he prayed, she stood up and walked.

Soon, she went to the doctor to see what happened. They examined the X-rays and could see something happened, but could not explain it.

“After this my uncle’s faith is so strong he can’t speak of anything except Jesus.

Now he has the strongest belief and he’s the most peaceful guy ever.”


If you want to know more about a personal relationship with God, go here

To learn more about Ekballo Project’s work around the world, go here



  1. Amen!

    Thank you Jesus Christ, I will forever worship you. Because you never disappoint your children.

  2. All Honor and Glory to God and may His Name be praised forever. May the message from this incident brings more people to accept the healing power and saving grace of Jesus Christ especially those who have been enslaved by the satanic power of the message of Islam.

  3. Jesus is the word and spirit of God. Nothing is too difficult for Him. Making a miracle is not a strange thing for Him. Whie on earth He did Hundreds of miracles. Even rsising persons from death. When a person feels sick, the first thing he does is to rush to doctors instead of calling on Jesus.

  4. Oh! The Lord is SO VERY GOOD!
    May this mans testimony reach many!
    Thank-You Father for showing Your Love to all!

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