By Alex Murashko —

It was 19 years ago that it occurred to me during a flashbulb moment that my way of doing life wasn’t working too well. A marriage that was short lived, a personal bankruptcy, and a third obvious problem, I was uncomfortable in my own skin.
I reasoned that I had three strikes against me, and in baseball terms, I had struck out. It was a “moment of surrender.” It was at that point that I began on an amazing journey and I have never been the same.
Two years into sobriety, I still was in a lot of mental and emotional pain and turmoil. Then, I began to seek help seriously. I went to church. Out of the blue, a man behind the Celebrate Recovery info table at Saddleback Church asked me if I “knew Jesus.” I said I don’t know if I do or don’t (I had prayed with someone over the phone previously but wasn’t sure if “it took”) and he asked me if I’d like to pray. I did and it was if the weight of the world had been lifted off my shoulders. I could feel the change physically as well. I knew I was headed down a new path.
On Saturday, I marked 19 years of sobriety from alcohol and drugs. This November, it will be 17 years since I accepted Jesus.
I still “bark at the moon” (almost went to see Los Lobos Saturday night) and I have more fun than I’ve ever had in my life … indescribable fun, joy, and amazement.
Life is not a bed of roses, but my trust and hope is in Him… and the ride is one I would not trade for anything!
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:6, 7
If you want to know more about a personal relationship with God, go here
I loved reading your article, I recently had a moment of clarity. And that clarity was God…the feeling of complete bliss was indescribable. It was almost as if I had a glimpse of what it was like to be in heaven.
It was as if everything fell into place and I had an overwhelming feeling that I knew that there was something else. My heart was full of love and all the things that we worry about everyday of ours lives which almost everyone goes through just did not matter all that mattered was that I had love in my heart for everyone.
I have to say I am a regular kind of guy I love sports films and as I write this now I’m sitting with my girlfriend watching take me out!….and she has no idea of what happened to me a few days ago.
Up until now I have been an atheist. I believed that science would eventually answer everything for us. I don’t have any answers and I have a million questions that will likely never be answered. All I can say is that I believe in God and God is all loving.
I don’t know how I am going to tell my friends and family that I have found God I am a little bit scared that they will laugh at me but I feel I have to tell them because it feels as if this is the reason why I’m here, to spread the word and the love.
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