ISIS only 6 mi. from Baghdad — may attack anytime, church leader says


By Mark Ellis

Rev. White
Rev. White

The terror army that calls itself Islamic State is within six miles of the capital of Iraq and may attack at any moment, according to the Rev. Canon Andrew White, sometimes called the vicar of Baghdad.

Rev. White is vicar of St George’s Church, Baghdad, the only Anglican church in Iraq, located just outside the Green Zone.

“People are very fearful. The nation looks as if it has collapsed,” White reported on his Facebook page September 30th. He said 1,000 Iraqi troops were killed by ISIS over the weekend.

Baghdad, the bustling city along the Tigris with 7 million people, is unusually quiet, anticipating the worst. “The usual hectic and crazy streets were this morning almost empty,” he observed. Baghdad is the second largest city in the Arab world after Cairo.

White’s friends and contacts surrounding Baghdad are apprehensive, while a veil of confusion seems to hang in the air. “Islamic State, ISIS, or DAASH as they are known locally, are very close to Baghdad. We do not really know what is happening. All we know is that people are very afraid.”

As the U.S. works on a long-range plan to degrade and defeat ISIS that may take from one to three years, what is known about current conditions does not build confidence. “We know that civilians have been killed in air strikes; we know that there are huge battles with ISIS, and we know that our army is not very efficient.”

Rev. White discovered firsthand that the morale of Iraqi troops is poor. “This morning I was with one of my soldiers who is assigned by the government to protect me,” White said. “I asked him what he would do if he saw ISIS coming. He told me he would take off his uniform and run.

“I asked if he took seriously his role as a soldier to fight and protect his people he assured he did not. He told me he just did it because he needed the money.”

On Sunday, White preached at his church from Romans chapter 11. “Despite being in Iraq I love the Jews and Arabs. Israelis, Palestinians and Iraqis and G-d loves them all too,” he said in his message.

Rev. White grew up in the suburbs of southeast London in a very religious household. Trained as an anesthesiologist, he later answered a call to the priesthood and was ordained in 1990.

After serving as canon at Coventry Cathedral, he moved to Baghdad in 2005 and became the Anglican chaplain to Iraq. His main goal is to help bridge the communication gap between Shia and Sunni leaders, and to “gain trust of key religious leaders on both sides in various conflict areas.”

He has been “hijacked, kidnapped, locked up in rooms with bits of finger and toe and things.” He has also “been held at gunpoint, attacked,” and many of his staff have been kidnapped or killed, with up to 11 killings of his staff in a single year.

In spite of the dangers, his ministry continues apace. “I Have baptized five people today,” he wrote October 1st. “One of the Christian politicians came to me and pleaded with me to baptize a mother and her four children. I listened to them and it was clear they all loved Jesus. I therefore baptized them all. Afterwards the 11 year old boy came up to me and said I feel new, I said you are.”


  1. Oh dear LORD YESHUA!! surround pastor White and all your loved ones whom You have chosen and set apart “for such a time as this”…surround them with warrior angels of supernatural protection as in Psalms 91. Give them YOUR Wisdom, Courage and Peace in these times of such turbulence.
    We are praying for you dear ones!!!

  2. Thank you, Lord, for your servant Pastor White. I declare that “no weapon formed against him will prosper.” I place a hedge of protection around him and bind the enemy from his doorpost. Send your warrior angels to be round about him. Give him Your peace that passes all understanding and surround him with songs of deliverance.

    Praying for you dear man of God..

    • Satan there is a line that God has drawn in the sand outside Baghdad and God says ” so far and no further Satan, you must let my people go. The Lord has spoken, blessed be the name of the Lord.

  3. Please strengthen Pastor White Lord Jesus. Give him wisdom. Find a way through for him and his flock. Send in your Angels to lead them to a place of safety. Hide them in your pavillion Lord according to your promises. Shelter them under the shadow of your wings according to your promises. Blind the forces of evil Dear Lord and cause these your little ones to escape. Prepare a path for their feet and take them swiftly to a place of safety and rest.

  4. Father in Jesus Name,
    I send a hedge of protection around the borders of Baghdad, and I plead the blood of Jesus around Pastor White, his congregation and your church. I pray you send warring angels to scare off and defeat the enemy, and that you open the eyes of your people so they can see your mighty, angelic help!!! I bind and rebuke the spirit of fear, and I command satan to take his hands off your people. Thank you Father that we will see Your goodness, in the land of the living. Thank you that the enemy is defeated!!!!!

  5. God bless you all in this trying time.
    Stay hopeful
    I went to St. George high school
    pastor white is truly a servant of the Lord
    Shepperd your flock
    our prayers will rain down on you like soldier Angels

  6. With all of our hearts we pray. We stand together and we lift Andrew and his family to you our Father in heaven. We declare that G. is Lord of Lords and King of Kings . He is sovereign LORD. We commission His worshipping angels to be in Baghdad , also His great guardian angels and watchmen angels. THANKYOU for that family who have been baptised recently. THANKYOU for Andrews faith and hope and trust in you. For the sacrifices that he and his family and team around him make everyday, in order for others to be saved.
    We pray for your mercy and for miracles, Lord.

  7. My God, Indeed My Lord, yes surround this man and all close to him, angels , I ask, warrior angels, even those under Michael my Lord God of Israel, and my God let all those who fear You have the protection and even the visual presence of angels at this time. Father I pray that there are even Isis members that will respond to the angels of the most High God at this time and will change their allegience and be a great in Your service. We praise you great and mighty God of Israel, Amen and Amen!

  8. Lord of Lord, King of Kings, calling on Your name for the deliverance and protection of your people in Iraq. You are the hope, You are the Lord of the Armies, the One we look to, to show Yourself strong! We bless Your holy name and look to You to redeem this country from destruction, we forget not Your benefits the One who saves, heals, and delivers! Thank you for Reverend White and all those who are working for Your glory and redemption in Iraq! Increase for them, in Jesus precious name!

  9. Almighty God Jehovah, I ask for your divine intervention and protection for your peoples in Iraq and that you will send forth your army of angels to encamp around this area. Lord reveal yourself to your enemies and send the spirit of confusion to their camp. Prayers and Blessings Rev White from Fiji Islands.

  10. Father, In the name of Jesus Christ, I speak disagreement and confusion into the camp of the ISIS – Islamic State right now. They will begin to experience disunited among themselves. Father instead of them moving forward they will move backwards in the Name of Jesus Christ.

    Father, Spirit of the living God moving among the people right now. Let them experience miracles in their lives. Let your children see your hands.

    I pray every time for Iraq – Jennifer – PNG

  11. Father, I say Amen and I agree with all these prayers in Jesus Name. You are they same God
    yesterday, today and forever! As you did in the days of Hezekiah put a hook in enemy’s nose
    and send him back the way he came! We declare 2 Kings 19:32 over Baghdag: He will not
    enter this city he will not shoot an arrow here…..33 By the way that he came he will return!

  12. I pray to Almighty God to send a sign to this terrorist group ISIS and all the governments that are supporting this terrorist group who are killing innocent children, women and men.

  13. i join my faith with all the Holy men, and women that the Lord of Heaven will keep you safe always. His grace will protect you, and your church. He will build a wall of protection round you, and cause His Angels to shed you from every evil intention of the Godless. So i prayed in Jesus Name

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