Countries where persecution of Christians is the worst


by Melissa Nordell                                                                                               pers xtians

Organizations such as Open Doors International, Voice of the Martyrs and International Christian Concern work to defend the human rights of persecuted Christians around the world, to send financial assistance, to advocate for their rights and release from imprisonment, to create awareness of their plight, and to send Bibles and food to the oppressed and refugees.

As International Christian Concern puts it: “From Indonesia, to India, to the Horn of Africa, believers are economically marginalized, denied education for their children, beaten, tortured, raped, imprisoned and sadly even murdered for their faith. The oppression is limitless, and usually unseen by the world… Jesus has called us to stand up for our hurting brothers and sisters.”

Most people are not aware that there are so many countries that oppress and even kill Christians for their faith as mainstream media does not cover this news. The following is Open Doors International’s 2013 list of countries which most oppress Christians, starting with the most extreme persecution. It comes as no surprise to most  that North Korea is listed as the most severe persecutor of Christians in the world.

  1. North Korea
  2. Saudi Arabia
  3. Afghanistan
  4. Iraq
  5. Somalia
  6. Maldives
  7. Mali
  8. Iran
  9. Yemen
  10. Eritrea
  11. Syria
  12. Sudan
  13. Nigeria
  14. Pakistan
  15. Ethiopia
  16. Uzbekistan
  17. Libya
  18. Laos
  19. Turkmenistan
  20. Qatar
  21. Vietnam
  22. Oman
  23. Mauritania
  24. Tanzania
  25. Egypt
  26. United Arab Emirates
  27. Brunei
  28. Bhutan
  29. Algeria
  30. Tunisia
  31. India
  32. Myanmar (Burma)
  33. Kuwait
  34. Jordan
  35. Bahrain
  36. Palestinian Territories
  37. China
  38. Azerbaijan
  39. Morocco
  40. Kenya
  41. Comoros
  42. Malaysia
  43. Djibouti
  44. Tajikistan
  45. Indonesia
  46. Colombia
  47. Uganda
  48. Kazakhstan
  49. Kyrgyzstan
  50. Niger

There are many ways we can help. Check the websites of the organizations for ideas and ways to help:,, and .  Above all,  the persecuted Church around the world needs your continual, fervent prayers.