Same-sex marriage more likely to end in divorce


By Penna Dexter

How much divorce is there in the same-sex “marriage” world? It turns out there’s a lot.

The United States’ history with same-sex “marriage” is short, but Scandinavian countries have been at this much longer. A Stockholm University professor of demography found that in Sweden and Norway male same-sex “marriages” are 50 percent more likely to end in divorce than heterosexual marriages.

In Sweden, the divorce rate for female couples is twice that of male couples. And in Norway, lesbian “married” couples are 167 percent more likely to divorce than heterosexual couples.

Despite the many efforts to usher in civil unions and same-sex “marriage” in the United States, when laws are changed, the number of couples registering their partnerships is surprisingly low.

Charles Cooke of National Review wrote that since 1997, when Hawaii was the first state to allow registration of same-sex partnerships, only about one in five self-identified same-sex couples have taken advantage of the various ways states register such couples so they can receive benefits. Same-sex “marriage” actually is declining in popularity in the Netherlands.

So if there’s no particular groundswell of same-sex “marriages” when it’s legalized, and if same-sex couples are more likely to divorce, what’s this really about? Advocates for same-sex “marriage” say it’s about civil rights and equality.

They won’t admit it, but it’s really about redefining marriage, making it a package of benefits. Eventually, this will result in the destruction of marriage.
Penna Dexter is a conservative activist and frequent panelist on the “Point of View” syndicated radio program. Her weekly commentaries air on the Bott and Moody radio networks. This is excerpted from an article that appeared in Baptist Press.


  1. Now I appreciate that any number of Christian people will object at this point with words like ‘abomination’ and ‘unnatural’ – claiming that the Bible teaches clearly that all homosexual activity (including that between consenting adults) is an obscenity before God. My contention at this point is simply that even if this were true it wouldn’t detract from the value of gay marriage. For the issue here is not whether homosexual activity is desirable or undesirable or morally offensive or anything of the sort.^,

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