Broadcaster Rich Buhler, weakening in his battle with cancer, reveals his wife has cancer


By Dan Wooding

Rich Buhler

Rich Buhler, who is known as the “Dean of Christian Talk Radio”, says he is feeling “very weak” as he continues to battle pancreatic cancer.

He revealed that his wife Dianne, whom he affectionately calls “Lady Dianne”, has been diagnosed with breast cancer and is about to have surgery for the illness.

Buhler was admitted to a hospital in Orange County, California in July 2010, suffering from severe stomach pains, and was diagnosed with an inoperable “mass on his pancreas.”

He did his last radio show on September 16, 2011.

“For the past several weeks I’ve been battling one thing after another, mostly infections,” he stated in a message to ASSIST News. “I started on a new chemo regimen in February and that was pretty brutal. It took a lot of my energy away. Then I have been hospitalized three times in the past two months, mostly battling wicked infections.

“Because of those infections, and the weeks of being virtually immobilized by lack of energy, I’m very weak. I am now mostly homebound and I am receiving homecare from my health provider until I can bounce back.”

“I’m on oral and IV antibiotics at home and hoping that when the medicine is finished I will begin to feel a little more energy.

“The cancer is still classed as ‘stable’ but is playing a role in some of the side effects that I’m experiencing including a build-up of fluids in my abdomen.”

He added, “The chemotherapy that I was on for more than a year showed signs of slowing down and now we are experimenting with other options, which is hopeful, but not a guarantee that they will work.”

Then he revealed the latest set-back in his life — his wife, Dianne, has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

“Lady Dianne is having surgery for breast cancer this coming Wednesday,” said Buhler. “Her cancer was caught early and is considered to be ‘stage zero’, so the outlook is good but she’s going through a lot, so we appreciate everybody’s prayers for that.”


Dan Wooding is the founder of ASSIST News Service