Tweeting Ministry?


Mr. Kariuki, an administrative chief in a upcountry village in Kenya, is attempting to utilize Twitter to improve life in his small village.

Francis Kariuki reads a tweet on his mobile phone in the Rift Valley

After receiving information of a robbery, he quickly tweeted a message and within a few minutes neighbors were out to scare away the thieves. Other times tweets have been sent alerting locals of missing children and farm animals along with information as to where they should be returned. Mr. Kariuki stated that tweeting saves him time and money because he no longer has to distribute posters. He also added that the crime rate in his village is down considerably.

Mr. Kariuki is not the only one in Kenya using Twitter. Kenyans produced nearly 2.5 million tweets in the last quarter of 2011 making Kenya the second highest country in the use of social media.

Can we as Christians use tweeting in our lives to share the gospel? Are we taking full advantage of the numerous available tools we have in today’s society? Surely our Lord would want us to “go ye therefore, and teach” by whatever means we have available. — BBFI Missions



  1. I have used tweeter to share christ message with people who live in my area. I am the chief you’re reading about.

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