Guards raid cells of Christians in Evin Prison


On July 18, 2013, 150 prison guards in Evin prison raided ward 350, pulled prisoners from their cells, physically inspected them and began searching there, according to Mohabat News.

During their searching operation, the guards broke and stole prisoners’ belongings. Ward 350 holds political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, including believers.

Christian prisoners held in that ward include Farshid Fathi, Mostafa Bordbar, Alireza Seyyediann and the American-Iranian pastor, Saeed Abedini. In addition to their personal belongings, prison guards damaged facilities in their cells, including cooling systems, electric wires, etc.

To carry out the attack, prison authorities in Evin prison requested support from Ghezel-Hesar prison. The operation was led by Mr. Ghobadi, Chief of Security of Evin prison. The guards used handheld scanners and also physically inspected prisoners’ bodies in a disrespectful fashion.

This sort of humiliating and aggressive attack is unheard of. The guards violated the prisoners’ privacy and searched their personal belongings which resulted in the loss of several items belonged to the prisoners.

It is worth mentioning that Christian prisoners in ward 350 of Evin prison are imprisoned merely for their Christian faith and no other offense. Farshid Fathi and Alireza Seyyedian were sentenced to six years in prison and Pastor Saeed Abedini was sentenced to 8 years of imprisonment. All three of these Christian prisoners are serving their sentences. The other Christian prisoner, Mostafa Bordbar, is waiting for a verdict from his trial which was held earlier. He has been held in prison for eight months now.

In this latest incident, Iranian authorities raided the cell of Behnam Irani, a prisoner of conscience, and his cellmates in Karaj prison, inspecting their cells and damaging their personal belongings.

As authorities raided his cell, Behnam Irani objected to their behavior. As a result, he was threatened to be put into solitary confinement. According to the report, such inhumane and violent attacks are often carried out against Mr. Irani and his cellmates. It is reported that his cell was raided 10 times in the past two months alone.

This is not the first time that prisoners of conscience have been harassed for insisting on their beliefs. The Islamic regime’s inappropriate and violent behavior towards these prisoners has been consistently criticized and condemned by Human Rights activists and the International Community.

It is noteworthy that Mr. Benhan Irani is a member of a non-Trinitarian Christian group who has been sentenced to six years in prison and is currently serving his sentence in ward two, hall seven of Karaj prison. Iranian security authorities had arrested him in his house in March 2010.–Mohabat News



  1. May all who truly continually believe in Jesus Christ put on ‘the Whole Armor of GOD’ (Eph 6:10-20), remembering to sincerely and earnestly pray for all of the saints of JEHOVAH (Eph 6:18) – our brothers and sisters in Christ – that He will fulfill His promises – “And the very GOD of peace sanctify you wholly: and I pray GOD your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.” (1 Thess 5:23, 24)
    OH How Very Much do each and every one of our brothers and sisters- all around the world that are enduring trials and persecution for their belief in the Lord Jesus Christ need for each and every one of us to offer our sincere prayers and supplications often unto THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY in their behalf – that He will be glorified by their faithfulness!!! (Ps 115:1)

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