Meeting practical needs in devastated Ukraine


By David McGuire —

Once again I and other concerned Christians ventured into Ukraine to share the love of Jesus with heartbroken and needy Ukrainians.

Many Ukrainians have practical needs! Sharing the gospel message of love doesn’t mean preaching only – it begins with fulfilling Jesus’ command to ‘love thy neighbor!’ (Mark 12:31)

A number of times caring Romanian Christians have made several dangerous trips up there to bring groceries, practical supplies and other goods to dear, distressed people who have seen their homes and towns destroyed by Russia. And to pray about needs!

Just recently, some Ukrainians were blessed by yet another such venture up there by a Romanian team — despite the dangers.

Groceries were purchased that could be distributed freely to needy Ukrainians. Here’s Chris and me loading up bread and other grocery items.

Then practical provisions were obtained, such as desperately needed woodburning stoves and generators as there is no electricity or gas where we were daring to travel. And not only no heat but no water!

After prayer for protection and success, our five minivans headed north to Ukraine. There our Romanian pastors met with their Ukrainian counterparts, giving us a total of seven ministers in this team of 16 committed and dedicated servants.  Our destination was just three km from the war front… the sound of missiles and bombs in the distance was audible and frightening.

It’s been said that being a missionary is a tough job. I don’t mind admitting that this last trip to Ukraine was the most emotional, deeply hitting my heart… which was spiritually good. But I will never forget hearing – knowing – the bombing was not far away while we were ministering and praying in our outreaches.

We were grateful for comforting scriptures such as 1 John 4:18, ‘There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear…’ and Isaiah 41:10,  ‘So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.’

We travelled across this temporary bridge above and found devastated homes such as below.


Camping at a particular clear area, we set up tables and began serving free meals.

Above: Some of the team gladly preparing lunch.

Above: Needed goods supplied. Unloading with two friends. Joyful lady receives woodburning stove. A happy family receives a generator.

Above: I pray for a lady’s painful leg Above: With some grateful defenders

There was electric light in many homes – we brought the light of Jesus with us – gospel good news in their own language.

Praise be to God for five goals achieved…

Distribution of badly needed groceries, woodburning stoves, generators.

Served meals such as hotdogs and coffee… and more.

In sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, many got saved!

And, as we prayed for the sick, many were healed!

In effect, many Ukrainians received not only food and goods but hope in Jesus Christ!

Not only were these Ukrainians grateful, but so was the team I worked with for the experience of bringing Christian love and assistance to those in need! And for God ensuring a safe journey up there and back.

For the souls saved, and troubled people helped especially by answered prayers!

We moved forward as the Lord directed. Indeed, every Christian should dare to move forward as God directs and challenges in 2023 – no matter what the world’s troubles and challenges may be!

And on a personal basis I, my wonderful wife Rodica (my dearest fellow-minister!)and our precious teenage daughter Sabrina, praise God for all His assistance and leadings in respect to our missionary endeavors in Romania, especially –

Reaching children who have never heard of Jesus, through our Christian DVD cartoon outreaches.

Training brothers and sisters in local churches to dare be challenged by God to move forward in 2023.

Building homes for poor people.

Bible teaching in local churches.

Reaching Romanian gypsies.

Thank you too for your prayers! We can be contacted/supported via link below.



David and Rodica McGuire are missionaries in Sighișoara and have built many homes for the poor in that area, especially among the gypsy communities, as well as outreaching to children in unique ways. Link: [email protected]
