Do You Hate The “F” Word As Much As I Do?


By Andrew Bills —

I cringe every time I hear the “F” word. The obvious reason is that my physical body and Satan doesn’t want me to do it.

But FASTING is one of the most profitable, beneficial, and spiritual practices that helps render the flesh as being dead so that the inner spirit may grow in Christ, be delivered from the various demonic attacks, receive inspiration or revelation from God, and experience His Resurrection Power in your surroundings.

Fasting is a personal expression of sincere devotion when seeking God and walking by faith within Christianity. It is the abstaining from foods and other pleasures like watching television shows, talking with friends over the telephone or reading newspapers, that you may experience the divine intervention of God. It is and always must be an act of worship where hearts are set on seeking the Lord first.

The true focus of fasting MUST NOT BE on abstaining from food and longing for what you’re lacking, instead it MUST BE to take your eyes off the things of this world to concentrate completely on The Lord. So denying our flesh is one of the ways to show God that we are serious about seeking His Face. But fasting before The Lord should not ever be considered just a “method for dieting or losing weight.” Again, it is temporarily giving up something in order to draw closer to God and have Him move mightily in your life.

While it should never be done to be seen or to convince others of “your spirituality,” it’s a very special time that you specifically schedule or set apart to seek the Lord, study and meditate on His Word, pray without ceasing and listen to the Holy Spirit of God. And what you seek in private, He’s promised to reward you openly.

Fasting with prayer usually results with the Holy Spirit moving in some of the most unusual and dynamic ways in the midst of God’s people. Closed doors have been opened, prayers answered, direction given, enemies overcome, bodies healed, revivals born, weather conditions changed and lives dramatically delivered by the awesome power of The Living Christ as a result of fasting and prayer.

When Jesus was talking with His disciples He taught them about fasting and made it known that it was expected that His disciples would fast (Matthew 6:16-18).

Then Jesus told his disciples, after they had failed to cast the demonic spirit out of a man’s son that had been brought to Him, “that this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.” (Matthew 17:21)

While the Bible has various examples of one-day, three-day, seven-day and even forty-day fasts (Judges 20:26, Esther 4:16, 1 Samuel 31:13 and Matthew 4 respectively), your fast MUST ALWAYS be accompanied or surrounded with prayer.

Again, fasting always helps you take your eyes off the things of this world so you can be more successful in turning your focus to Jesus Christ and be victoriously led by the Holy Spirit of God.