Kanye West preached strong message in Atlanta megachurch


By Mark Ellis —

Kanye West at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Atlanta Sept. 15, 2019 (screenshot from live stream)

Alternately preaching, rapping, and singing in the Spirit, hip-hop artist Kanye West led a church service at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church on Sunday, September 15th, in front of a giant, overflowing crowd, with a 600-voice choir pressing forward at the foot of the stage.

The entrepreneurial singer, songwriter and producer has sold 140 million records worldwide and generated media attention through his marriage to Kim Kardashian.

Among the thousands attending the service were rappers T.I., Chris Tucker and 2 Chainz.

Kanye West in Atlanta Sept 15 (screenshot)

The 42-year-old artist thanked God for the opportunity to be in Atlanta, where he was born and his parents met each other.

Moved by the Spirit, the audience responded with worship and praise as the rapper sang “use me, Lord” with the choir, and exhorted the attendees toward radical obedience to Christ.

West sang: The power belongs to God, there is nothing too hard for God

You (God) are the only power, You are the only power

Then West began to preach: “He is the only power; let’s be specific: Jesus Let’s be specific so we don’t get it confused with, ‘I’m just a good person.’ The road to hell can be paved with, ‘I’m just a good person.’”

He sang: Can it be You made it all so simple?

You’ve done everything; You created us

You are the one sole Creator; You are God

Use me how You made, use me everyday…

Kanye West on his knees

Evidencing a powerful renewal in his heart, the rapper implored his listeners to be completely sold out to Jesus. “You sent your only Son to die for us and all you ask is radical obedience to You.

“How can we do the least when He did the most?” he asked.

West recounted the spiritual battle for supremacy in his heart. “I’ve seen Him work miracles in my life,” he said. “You know the devil presents so many flashy, shiny objects.

“I’ve seen everything that the devil could have showed you via TV, videos, car dealerships, jewelry, houses and I tell you nothing beats God,” he testified.

“Let’s not be concerned with the opinions of men at all, only the opinion of God.

“Let’s not be concerned with the validation of men at all. We say all this is the culture and that’s the culture…To be radically in service to Christ is the only culture I want to know about.”

In a quiet, gentle way, he overflowed with gratitude to God. “Thank you for saving me, for replenishing me, for delivering me,” he said.

God’s presence brought changes to his life. “When I found out about You I got closer to my children, I got closer to my family, because the devil had me chasing a gold statue, had me chasing cars, had me chasing numbers.

“The power of God cannot be calculated by how much we sell or a bank account, how many cars you drive or how big your house is or how many acres you got. It’s God inside of us; it’s God inside of family; it’s God inside of friendships so we hold each other accountable.”

West described the value of one life rubbing up against another. “If you see somebody slipping you tell them. They be coming at me, like “why you so judgmental?’

“It ain’t for me to judge, but I’m going to say what I see,” he remarked.

The devil whispered in West’s ear, ‘Why are you speaking up so much?’

“I’m just pointing to the Word,” he replied, echoing the response of Jesus under temptation in the wilderness.

He described a relational issue with someone who hasn’t completely surrendered to God. “I have a family member who God has given a new chance at life. He went through something extremely tragic and God gave him a new chance at life and God has given him a beautiful girlfriend… But every excuse he got. I know the real reason. You still in them DMs, bro. That’s the real reason why you won’t get the ring and get right with God. (Note: ‘DMs’ are direct or private messages communicated through social media.)

West took on the problem of absentee fathers. “If there’s a household next to you without a father, you (are) that father now. You speak up on that block. You set that example. There is nothing too hard for God. In Christ Jesus name we pray, amen.”

The singer has been making appearances at Sunday church gatherings since January, including a stop in Dayton, Ohio at a benefit event supporting the community affected by the mass shooting.


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  1. What I see in this video is a man who could have easily taken over the whole service, and made it all about him…and he held back. He has dance in his soul, but he held back in order to not detract from Christ. He knew he could easily become a distraction. He didn’t want that…he seems to sincerely want it to be all about Jesus and operated with a lot of humility for a super star. Kanye I commend you, and Praise our God and Father for your faith as seen here, shining as the stars!

  2. Good for you Kanye. I’m so proud of you for speaking up for Jesus Christ. He is the only way, the truth and the life and the public need to see a celebrity such as yourself professing that they love Jesus Christ and that’s not easy to do in this world. Keep preaching and telling it like it is – not the PC rubbish thats being inficted on the world where the name of Jesus is defamed abd belittled. Thank you for going down on your knees. I have a scrtipure for you Kanye- “”If you acknowledge Me (Jesus) before Man, I will acknowledge you (Kanye) before MY Father who is in Heaven.” Can you imagine Father God having a conversation with Jesus about you – and that’s what the Bible is promising you. U;n writing this from New Zealand –

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